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Sep 21, 2005 18:41

LJ Interests meme results

  1. being mike dionne:
    This came from when I went over to one of Stephanie's friends houses...I think I drove her. Anyway they all had being mike dionne as an interest and I was invited to do so as well. I think it's hilarious that this was randomly picked because it's one of the more funny ones.
  2. cherries:
    I like cherries...sorta. A lot of times I'll give away my maraschino cherry that's a topping on milkshakes and sundaes. I think that's why I put it in, there was a lame joke about me always giving away my cherry back in high school. I do like cherry pie cherries though.
  3. driving:
    Driving is a love hate relationship for me. I have to be in the mood for it. If I'm pissed off I thoroughly enjoy it, though my passengers don't always enjoy being passengers in my car at the time of me being pissed off. I don't like being in traffic... it's not really "driving" as much as stop and go and stop and go, and that will piss me off to the point of not wanting to drive.
  4. hammocks:
    The interest in hammocks came from Clark's really awesome hammock he had in his basement at home. We had some good times in that hammock. lol.
  5. long walks:
    This actually could've come from a couple of times I've gone on long serious sorts of walks with people...I can think of a few right off the top of my head, Michelle, "DJ Vamp", Kevin, Wayne...yeah...Also there was a lot of alone walking back in freshman year of college--which is why I can relate to that Green Day song Boulevard of Broken Dreams so much.
  6. pasta:
    Yum. While a lot of my friends crave a fancy restaurant with a fancy steak dinner....I go for pasta. End of story.
  7. racing:
    Recently I've gotten into car racing, especially brackett racing. However, when I was little, I always used to have dreams about being chased by cops (because I was driving underage of course!)
  8. sims:
    I like to play the sims. A lot of people I know think it's dumb because you can't "win." They just don't understand the whole concept of "it's not if you win or lose, it's how you play the game" now do they?
  9. the simpsons:
    I actually haven't watched the simpsons as much as I used to. It's sorta been overtaken by Family Guy, Futurama and South Park. The Simpsons is awesome though. I think it's funny how it used to be this huge horrible taboo sort of show that teachers and parents used to rave about how bad it was and how children would act badly as a result. Now I constantly hear about teachers and parents who LOVE the show....Now everyone turns the same sort of criticism on South Park, which is really silly.
  10. writing:
    I like to write. I think anyone who has an LJ does. It's kinda like a duhhh interest. Like if someone put LJ as an interest. I wonder if people do that? lol.

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