Jul 02, 2005 03:28
Well, since I started writing here, I may as well continue. As most people know, my life is actually pretty good. Many great friends, most of which all know who they are, and many MANY opportunities to better myself. The bad thing is... I don't much like to get off my ass and get to those opportunities.
Last entry, I ranted about how unfair and depressing my life is. Well, that's still true, only now I've taken into account how many times I've helped someone else in their own tired excuse of a life. I've lost count since I reached the more recent months since I first joined SHS.
As for my friends, I would still like to make special mention of them. They are and continue to be Sha; Lee; Dan/Dee; my brother Matt, who is currently too bored with message boards to bother playing on them; Meta, the guy whose name I'll probably never know, but one who somehow manages to make a boring night worthwhile; Jenn, of course, but seeing as to the recent news I've received, I will probably never talk to the sweet woman again; Jessie, who has managed to show she cares, despite her crude and bitter humor; Darzie or Featherflame as most know her, since she was there the night I read about factory farms and what they do to animals, for that, I'll always be grateful to the little bundle of fetishes that I cuddle with so much ;P ; and most recently, my brother's brand new fiance, who just made his day and life by saying 'yes' when he proposed, thereby officially making me the appointed best man for the wedding and the godfather for his children. That's about it, unless memory serves to fail me once again. Geez, a whole giant paragraph on his greatest friends. My god, what a nerdy freak. :P
Needless to say, I am totally wiped, seeing as to how Wednesday I rode a bike four miles non-stop, all with the seat molesting me again and again. That was for PT, and I did the same on the way back, only standing most of the time to save my ass the pain of rape by bicycle. XD Luckily, I was only accompanying my brother, but the workout was obviously still there in the form of ass-killing bikes that don't work right.
I'm setting up a doctor's appointment soon to check about my depression, and I intend to come back full up on anti-depressants, since I know I need them. Now, I don't fancy the side effects, since I'll likely never be able to get any pleasure from masturbation again. :P But that's a small price to pay so I don't snap at people or just stare at the ceiling rotting away,
Right now, I'm perfectly fine. Came home from my brother's after being gone since Tuesday, and after enjoying late nights of video games and his crappy slow computer with highspeed DSL. >.> How does that work, I'll never know. Tried out that Outbreak game for XBOX, that's decent and I'd recommend it if I could just learn not to suck at it. I would definitely recommmend Sudeki, which I found I friggin' rock at, especially since I managed to play non-stop for ten hours. It's more addicting than training Limit Breaks on FF7. In fact, Sudeki surpasses everyone's expectations by becoming my new favorite game and a must-have when I buy an XBOX. And Lee, if you don't have Sudeki, get it NOW! If you do... well, you just better beware for when I get over there, because unless you're one not boring guy, that game will hog me the WHOLE time. Better yet, just hide it so I don't try to take it with me. XD
Alrighty, I'm done for now. Peace outs! And watch the claws! ;P