[Drabble] Exo next...door?

Apr 18, 2015 01:48

Exo next... door?
Sehun x Baekhyun x Kyungsoo x Chanyeol

Summary: A creepy story of Sehun and his 'friends'. Listen to this while reading, okay?

[g / creepy / Sehun and 'friends']
The white curtain fluttered delicately. Somewhere, someone winded a music box.

In the middle of the brightly lit room, Sehun sat quietly in the large armchair. Tangling his fingers together in his lap, he watched as the man in white coat took a seat in the large armchair across from him. The doctor picked up his clip board with one hand and the pen in his other hand began to scratch on the paper.


“Oh Sehun.”



Scratch, scratch. Dot.

“What would you like to talk about today, Mr. Oh?”

The doctor pushed up his silver, wiry glasses. Sehun stared at the small golden cross pinned onto the lapel of the white coat.

“I have this friend, Baekhyun,” he said, “He’s having some trouble lately…”

“You friend, Baekhyun?”


The doctor looked at Sehun straight in the eyes.

“It’s alright if Baekhyun is also Sehun.”

“Are you sure you’re allowed to say that?”

Sehun blinked at the doctor. His voice flat like a soda left open for too long.

“It’s not me. It’s my friend Baekhyun. He’s having some trouble.”

“Alright Mr. Oh. What is your friend Baekhyun having trouble with?”

Sehun looked down at his twirling fingers.

“He does not know how to forget people that do not exist.”

“People that do not exist?”

“Mm.” Sehun nodded, still looking at his fingers, “There are these two people in his life, they are named Kyungsoo and Chanyeol. They used to live with him, or he thought they did, and he can’t forget about them.”

The doctor also looked down at Sehun’s twirling fingers. Somewhere, a music box is playing.

“When Kyungsoo smiles, his mouth forms into a heart. When Chanyeol laughs, the corners of his eyes crinkle. Baekhyun likes laughing with them. He said they squabble a lot, but they are good friends. He used to have a lot of fun living with them, but now that he knows they are not real, he wants to forget about them.”

“How does Baekhyun know Kyungsoo and Chanyeol are not real?”

Sehun tilted his head side way and the golden cross on the doctor’s lapel caught his attention again.

“Because no one else can see them.”

“Not even you?”

“No.” Sehun shook his head, but his eyes still locked on the small gold pin, “I’ve never met Kyungsoo and Chanyeol. Only Baekhyun. I’ve only seen Baekhyun in the house.”

“And Baekhyun wants to forget Kyungsoo and Chanyeol, but he can’t?”

“That’s his dilemma right now. The dilemma of poor Baekhyun.”

The doctor placed the clipboard squarely on his lap and tucked the pen inside his coat pocket.

“I don’t think Baekhyun has a dilemma at all actually.”

Sehun blinked at the doctor. Somewhere, a music box was unwinding.

“Baekhyun can’t remember if he is not real,” the doctor said, “Baekhyun cannot forget the two that do not exist, but for someone who does not even exist himself, how can he remember?”

Sehun blinked again. Faintly, he could hear the feeble sound of a music box unwinding. Suddenly, the sheen from the golden cross pin was a little too blinding for Sehun.

“What did you say your name was again, Doctor?”

“I never said my name,” the doctor said and took off his silver, wiry glasses, “I don’t have a name.”

He looked at Sehun straight in the eyes.

“You never gave me a name, Mr. Oh.”


Somewhere, someone screamed his name and startled, Sehun looked down at his hands that were clutching a music box. Softly, the music box unwounded and played a lullaby. All alone, he sat quietly in the armchair in the middle of the room.

Blinking a few times, he closed his eyes and heard three people’s voices, calling for him again. How he wish he could forget them, the ones that do not exist.

The white curtain fluttered delicately. In his hand, the music box came to a stop and somewhere,
someone re-winded another music box.

horror, exo next door, chanyeol, angst, baekhyun, dark, sehun, kyuhyun, drabble

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