[Drabble] Wild Fire.

Apr 03, 2015 19:12

Wild Fire.Chansoo

Summary: This is what happens I am too overwhelmed by Chanyeol's grey hair and Kyungsoo's ripped jeans. Just... too much feel! WARNING: HORRIBLE SMUT. READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION!

Since Chanyeol entered the party, he could not keep his eyes off of Kyungsoo. Dressed in a plain black turtle neck coordinated with a pair of skin-tight, ripped black jeans, Kyungsoo’s attires were fairly conservative in comparison to the rest of the party goers. However, in Chanyeol’s eyes, he was sexier than anyone else in the room; was it his arrogant glare or was it his full lips, the tall boy had long ago given up on trying to understand his lust for the shorter boy. Downing the rest of his beer, Chanyeol ran a hand through his newly dyed grey hair and strutted towards Kyungsoo, who smirked while speaking intimately with Yixing in the corner. Chanyeol may be clueless sometimes, but he was not blind and he had noticed the intense stare from Kyungsoo since he joined the party. Now that the party was well underway with drunk people swaying all over the place, they both had enough time to pretend there wasn’t a suffocating sexual tension brewing between them, and so Chanyeol decided it was time make him move. Time to hunt down his prey.

Without saying a single word, Chanyeol roughly dragged Kyungsoo away from Yixing, much to the latter’s opposition. Half struggling and swearing out loud at the giant with a death grip, Kyungsoo was pulled through the crowd and Chanyeol led them up to the second floor. When they finally found an empty room, Chanyeol slammed Kyungsoo against the back of the door and cut off any chance for the shorter boy to escape from him. Leaning close, he breathed in the distinct smell of Kyungsoo; fresh like the grass after a thunderstorm but also tinted with something more raw and dirty, like the smell of fresh earth. Kyungsoo stood still as he watched Chanyeol’s breathing became more laboured and smugly, he smirked. Aroused and annoyed at the other’s attitude, Chanyeol gripped the shorter boy’s chin roughly.

“You think this is funny, Doh Kyungsoo?”

“You don’t?”

The defiant glint in Kyungsoo’s dark eyes sent a wave of ecstatic shivers down Chanyeol’s back. Shamelessly, Chanyeol’s gaze ravished Kyungsoo’s body from head to toe, silently stripping the latter with his hungry eyes. Feeling taken advantage of, Kyungsoo glared hard at Chanyeol but before he could push the other away, his wrists were restrained above his head by the taller boy’s large hand. Enjoying the other’s frustrated struggle, Chanyeol continued to tease his prey. However when he saw the large rip of fabric on Kyungsoo’s thigh, exposing the pale and soft flesh, he could not hold himself back any longer and gave in to his desires. Letting out a low growl, he slammed their lips together.

Biting voraciously at Kyungsoo's plump lips, Chanyeol felt the burning in his stomach and like a wild fire, it spread downward. In an urge to satisfy his thirst, Chanyeol released Kyungsoo’s hands and pushed his own hand up the other’s shirt. Desperately, his hand roamed over every inch of the other’s skin, leaving behind hot, red marks from his rough touches. Savagely, their tongues wrestled with each other, battling for dominance, while their teeth clashed. Grunting in response, Kyungsoo pushed his knee against the burning bulge pressing harder and harder against his own tightening crotch. Mercilessly, his knee rubbed in quick little circles, causing Chanyeol to let out a shaky breath. Overwhelmed by the sudden rush of adrenaline, the giant pulled away from the kiss and gasped sharply. Both panting heavily, Kyungsoo smirked as he saw Chanyeol’s usually clear eyes clouded with lust. Before Chanyeol could fully recover, Kyungsoo crushed his swollen lips with Chanyeol’s again and with a mission, one of his hand slipped down the other’s pants while his other hand snaked up the giant’s neck, finding its way in between the frazzled grey locks; he would never tell Chanyeol this in person, but Kyungsoo thought the grey hair was such a turn on.

Without warning, Kyungsoo started to pump Chanyeol’s throbbing member vigorously and the giant gasped in both pleasure and pain. Hearing the giant’s throaty groans and moans, Kyungsoo hastened his stokes and soon, Chanyeol released in his hands. Pulling away from their kiss again, Kyungsoo laughed obnoxiously at the tall boy with stained pants, trembling slightly from the climax while leaning against him for support.

“Told you it’s funny.” Kyungsoo whispered teasingly in Chanyeol’s ears as he began to pull his dirty hand out of the other’s pants. However before he could do so, Chanyeol growled again and shoved Kyungsoo’s hand back inside, forcing the latter to feel the sticky mess inside from the aftermath of the release. Feeling the recovered member, even hotter and harder than before, Kyungsoo raised his brows from both amusement and being impressed; Chanyeol sure does not disappoint.
“Now, let’s enjoy the game, hm?” Having regained his composure again, Chanyeol gripped Kyungsoo’s harden member through skin-tight jeans and smirked evilly as the other panted and glared at him. “Say my name.”

Kyungsoo struggled against his touch and Chanyeol gave another hard squeeze, causing the shorter boy to let out a breathy moan. After a few more times of coercing, Kyungsoo finally gave in to the other’s demand and whispered through gritted teeth.

“… Park Chanyeol.”

Feeling an immense amount of pleasure and ecstasy surging through his veins, Chanyeol roughly locked lips with Kyungsoo’s again and the wild fire burning in his body blazed even stronger.
There is no putting out wild fire. You just got to let it burn, burn until everything around it is destroyed.

Author's note: FFFFFFFFF I'M SORRY MOM! I'M SORRY WORLD!! This is my first attempt at writing smut that's not three sentences long and it made me realize one thing: I should leave smut writing to other writers. My face flushes, my stomach hurts and I just feel so embarassed OTL I@$^# FORGIVE ME FOR THIS HORRIBLE PIECE OF TRASH!! QAQ I could not resist the Soo-thigh and the Yeol grey hair...

chansoo, kyungsoo/d.o., fanfiction, smut, drabble, chanyeol

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