[Drabble] Green thumb.

Mar 28, 2015 15:01

Green Thumb

Summary: Have you seen a heart break? In Chanyeol’s eyes, a heart breaking is like a flower wilting.

[g / slice of life / fluff]
Have you seen a heart break?

Some say it happens in a flash faster than lightning as all the memories heat up to a thousand degree and the pain you’d feel would be so intense, you could only see blinding whiteness as what you thought was love break apart violently. Others say a heart break is like a candle silently burning down; heartaches would slowly and uncontrollably eat away at you from inside out until only the faint aroma of sorrow and regret is left behind. In Chanyeol’s eyes, a heart breaking is like a flower wilting.

Chanyeol hasn’t experienced love. He has always known family love, love for a friend, love between a hyung and his dongsaeng, but Chanyeol does not understand the heart breaking kind of love.

Taking another glance at the heartbroken Kyungsoo sitting across him, Chanyeol quietly sips at his coke with a straw. Kyungsoo right now looks like a wilting flower, he thinks, beautiful yet pitiful. From a crush to a union with no happy ending, Chanyeol supposes the two and a half years Kyungsoo has spent with his ex was love. They both have said it was love, despite their constant disputes, but Chanyeol wonders and frowns. “Love is not supposed to be miserable,” he mumbles. Kyungsoo only sighs and says he is too naive; “Love is also not just sunshine and rainbows,” Kyungsoo replies. Then as the other’s eyes are clouded again with memories, Chanyeol thinks of the single stem of orchid in his living room.

Chanyeol has a green thumb. He enjoys taking care of plants and flowers, watch them flourish and bloom. He has gotten the orchid a while back from a friend, who no longer cared to tend to the delicate flower. Fingering the yellowing and wrinkly edge of the petals, Chanyeol felt his heart swell with tenderness. He wants to heal the wilting flower, bring out its beauty again and let it feel happiness again; just like Kyungsoo, Chanyeol wants him to smile again.

In a daze, Chanyeol reaches over and gently glides his thumb beneath Kyungsoo’s eye, wiping away an invisible tear. Savouring the softness of the other’s skin against the callus on his thumb, Chanyeol smiles. He smiles at Kyungsoo’s wide eyes and gaping mouth; he smiles at the flower blushing a healthy glow in his hand. Still grinning innocently while caressing the other’s burning skin, Chanyeol says proudly.

"Kyungsoo, I have a green thumb!"

Chanyeol hasn’t experienced love, at least not consciously; unbeknownst to himself, he was always in love. Chanyeol also doesn’t understand love, at least not the heart breaking kind of love, but he understand the healing kind of love; as well as the ever lasting kind of love.

Have you seen a heart break?

Chanyeol thinks a heart break is like a wilting flower, and if nursed by the right person with endless amount of love, the heart will bloom again. Avoiding Kyungsoo’s slapping hands and giggling at the other’s blushing face, Chanyeol smiles like a gentle fool.

"Kyungsoo, Kyungsoo," he calls out brightly, "let me show you that love is all sunshine and rainbows!"

fluff, cute, chanyeol, romance, chansoo, fanfiction, kyungsoo/d.o., drabble, exo

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