Exercise Routine

Mar 24, 2009 15:26

I have an updated exercise routine. I think it's doable but the strength routine is definitely a step up. We'll see how it goes but I'm looking forward to it!

Routine 2009.03
Cardio Days:
Goals: 1) atleast one day a week of each swimming and cycling
2) 3 days a week

45+ minutes swimming
Goals: 1) average between 6-7 minutes for a 5 lap set
2) work on flip turns

40+ minutes cycling
Goals: 1) 8 miles with 2x California Ave hill

Strength Days:
Goals: 1) 2 days a week

Stretching and rollers ~10 minutes
lunge with 6lb ball
eball pushups

30 minute cardo (stat bike or rowing machine)
rowing - keep corner number higher then 28, larger # lower then ~208
bike - focus on steady effort

Hamerstrength Equipment (weight on each side)
Squat - no or low weight
Seated squat (hamstring) - 35-45 lbs
Chest Bench press - 25-35 lbs
Corner lat pull down - 35-45 lbs

bicep curls
tricep kickback
backwards situps
sideways situps
sit-up machine - no to low weight

Up the protien. Add an egg to breakfast and an egg or meat at lunch


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