Apr 27, 2010 15:37
I hate our housing office.
We were notified in September that our apartment unit is likely to be knocked down this summer so we would have to move. Ok fine, they would place us in another unit but chances were very very good that our rent would be going up. Phew, maybe it was time to consider moving closer to D's work so he didn't have as long a commute.
Around January D started working 6 days a week and we 'adopted' a dog. Ok we are definitely move now the question was when. After some discussion with the housing office we were told that we could break lease early only under extenuating circumstances. Clear implications being that the acquiring of an illegal pup (that we weren't technicality having live with us) and more working hours for spouse were not extenuating enough. After some talk about finding someone to sublet from us we decided to just ride the last 6 months out. I fill in the appropriate little bubbles in the survey that was sent out to say we are moving off campus in June and all was good, right?
Flash forward to this week when we finally lined up an apartment for mid-June. We get a call from the new complex that they can not proceed with our application until we give notice at our current place.... Wait what? I thought I did that. Call the housing office and discover that no the online form in fact only looked like giving notice and both of us needed to go down and give 45 days notice in person.
Wait, you said 45 days notice, does that mean we can move out in 45 days? Well yes in fact it likely does I am informed today (in direct contradiction of what I was told in January). AAAHHHHHHHH!!!! We would have been gone in FEBRUARY if we had known this.
At this point I don't think it's worth the half month's rent but it's darn tempting. Curse you student housing, curse you.
family life