why algebra should burn in heck...

Dec 07, 2004 22:55

ok well i was being a little dramatic with the title there (as i have a slight tendency toward the dramatics) who me? oh never...lol but i am SO freaking ready to get out of algebra! think about it, i could not have to sit thru algebra again until spring of sophomore year! so i'm ready to not have to contemplate the foci of a conic section or find the square root of matrices or something for a while, but at the same time i wish i had more time to actually understand the material instead of miraculously pulling thru with decent grades. and then there's english, which is SUPPOSED to be my strong(er) point (luckily i'm relatively versatile in all subjects) but i'm making a low B/high C in that class...stephanie doesn't make C's! stephanie didn't make B's before this year! so it's like now that i've stopped making such good grades let's see if i can get an F too! gar i hate myself sometimes b/c i do stupid things like not studying and slacking off that come back and kick me in the balls! (or wherever...) do do do do doo...but our concert didn't suck too badly, but band 1 1/2 definitely wasn't close to being as good as band 3. but it was great fun b/c the gatorade i drank at lunch started to kick in and i was hyper as a monkey...so then heather and i went to "study" algebra at rush's and when we walked in all the people looked at us (b/c we're such hot babes!) even though i did actually look like a skank/hoochie mama/slut according to my dear friend tardtard...so i was being annoyingly indecisive and yeah. but we did actually have some decent chat time about the future and education and how rere algebra is. great now i get to worry about my audition...urgh i'm gonna flip out! the funny thing is, i'm more nervouser...whoa more nervous about the other clarinetists hearing me during my audition than i am about the judge. crazy right? but i'll just picture the judge in his underwear...no then i'll laugh..hmm...maybe i should just go in there, and wing it and come out laughing b/c i suck so much. anyway wish me mucho luck on my algebra and health tests tomorrow...but esp. algebra b/c i need more luck in there than in health. wish me common sense on the health test. lol nighty night! i love ya'll!!! well now i'm hungry but i ate like an hour ago. maybe i have a tapeworm, you know one of those parasites that are in your intestines and eat everything so you're always hungry and your body is all deprived?! i would say that i'm just growing but oh wait i'm not b/c i haven't grown more than a centimeter or 2 in the past 6 freaking months! GAR! toodle-oo!
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