Governments and the hate agenda

Jan 01, 2012 21:54

I was reading the comments on a Guardian article the other day where somebody compared the current government and opposition with the Nazis. They were immediately hammered down with the "but they haven't gassed 6 million Jews" argument.. My reply to the commenters and other readers who also think that because this is Britain with some imagined sense of social justice and fairness, and of course we had a war and defeated Hitler and his Nazis, so it can't possibly happen here!!.. Read on and think.. Allegation, This unelected government are just like the Nazis. Not yet perhaps?.. the nazis didn't win power and immediately roll out the genocide machine, it took them a few years to get the population sufficiently brainwashed with constant hate stories and speeches that they if not being directly supportive would agree enough that xxxxxx are evil parasites that they would look the other way. The Nazi party won power in March 1933 and from then it took them until November 1938 to fire the population into enough hatred towards minorities for Kristallnacht to become a reality. I warn you to ignore this lesson from history with extreme caution when faced with a government and opposition who are both villifying and engendering hate towards the unemployed and disabled. They are already operating a "coerced labour" scheme where people are literally forced to work for their benefits, often for very large profiteering corporations under draconian penalties if they refuse. This is cheered on by people who say "Well I'm sick of these scroungers getting something for nothing".. So what about Tesco and BHS and Poundland getting free taxpayer paid slave labour?. Aren't they "scroungers" in just as real a sense? . What about the "real" jobs the forced labour scheme is taking out of the economy? If business can boost it's profits by using free slave labour why should they pay to employ any workers? "Outraged Taxpayer" should be directing their anger at these parasitical corporations who are stealing billions every year in unpaid taxes and employing taxpayer funded slavery. Sick or disabled? "These lazy people are sick/crippled from choice, they should work or they deserve nothing from us" I hope those same taxpayers aren't themselves injured or disabled or fall sick due to greedy bosses where they work ingoring health and safety "red tape" or get cancer or any other thing which removes their ability to "look after number one and stuff everybody else" Immigrant?.. "Parasites sponging off us and/or stealing all our jobs". I have news for "Mr Outraged Taxpayer" Most "illegal immigrants" are exploited by greedy employers who refuse to employ people for a fair living (minimum) wage. Note also to "outraged taxpayer" The minimum wage is not a "living wage" It has not been raised in line with inflation and stands now at a value of around 60% of it's worth when introduced. The Nazis invaded Poland and started the Second World War. Well.. and what has Britain done? Is the illegal invasion of sovereign Iraq which posed no threat to us not an equally unprovoked act of warmongering?. How about Afghanistan?, What about Libya where there was some excuse of backing up armed insurgents who were openly in armed uprising? Think about our actions towards the IRA when they tried that in Ulster and compare. What now for Syria and Iran? Warmongering was only an act of Nazism?.. Dubious at best and downright dishonest when seen against the current actions of our unelected government. So take a long hard look at this 5 year illegal self apointed group of fascists, and listen to the opposition of fascists and their continual lies and idological propaganda and decide... where will we be whoever wins in 2015?. They have a majority and an "opposition" who spout the exact same right wing rhetoric and propaganda fuelled by the same agenda. They could even call a vote based on "how successful and loved we are that we don't need to call an election, after all we are the same self serving supporters of fascism on both sides of the house, lets just keep the status quo" I suggest unless we use every opportunity to hammer this history lesson home we also will have a Kristallnacht.. It won't be jews, but I warn you not to be in a minority, old, sick, disabled, young, gay, gender nonconforming or any other group which these fascists see as "surplus" in any way which has been the target of politicians and their right wing media friends hatemongering. Paula Allen - President TransPanthers UK 1/1/2012

government, fasacism, hate, nazis

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