May 10, 2007 00:24
My throat hurts. And there is snot. I couldn't care less about statistics. But I will not tell you what was on the multiple choice of the AP test. EVERRRR. I've decided to stop eating poultry. And eat/drink minimum dairy. But I will still eat fish. I am a cold hearted bitch who doesn't care about fish's (fishes'? fish's? no..that's not right) emotions or suffering. But seriously, fish aren't that great. I wouldn't eat a dolphin. Mammal pride and all that. I also wouldn't eat a shark, because they strike me as not tasting good. I wouldn't eat a flounder because they're just freaky as a species. Have you ever actually seen a real flounder? It looks nothing like Flounder, Ariel's friend in The Little Mermaid. That Flounder was yellow with blue stripes for some reason, with a winning personality. So I guess I still don't get to call myself a vegetarian. Whatever.