May 24, 2008 21:54
Lots going on right now. Well, this second I'm watching Hammie run around outside (yay wireless... and darkness). I'm letting him run with Muggle awhile before I bring them both in for the night. My new "bikini" came in the mail today. Isn't it neat I trust my instincts enough to buy something like that online without ever having tried it on? Jokes on you though! It does fit and will fit even better if I don't give up on the gym. I win hardcore. Someday my hair will be longer. I need to get it colored before Jenn's wedding. Or I could do that. I can make myself even faker!! YAY! I've become near obsessed with shopping lately. I just get enamoured with things like that easily. Monica's out of town. I'm enjoying my loneliness I think. I got to hang with out Michell and Gabe yesterday so that was fun. Perhaps tomorrow as well! I will check with her. They go to the pool damn near everyday though so maybe they won't want to. They being Mich. Gabe loves the pool more than anything. I think. Maybe he loves transformers more. I keep getting text messages from numbers I don't know today. WTF! I mean, they have to be after me. They're 931 numbers. Stupid. Do you ever get the impression that your self image and what other people see are two completely different things?