I like Dick Cheney a lot more now because of
this. What's really sad is that it takes having it happen to a member of their immediate family for a politician to get some balls and say something that's so damn obvious to me, despite the fact that I have no gay children to show me the light. Even then it was carefully worded as to not openly say "I support gay marriage." Now I understand a statement like this would ruin a politician's career. But so many in the higher echelons of government aren'even in it for the money- they've been independantly wealthy since birth. So why can't we have someone who realizes that maybe their convictions are more important that their careers?
I am a bad citizen anyway because I keep forgetting and procrastinating my effort to get my absentee ballot sent or registration or whatnot. I suppose I maybe could register in New York but I'm already registered here so that's probably illiegal, and besides, this is a swing state.
And in an attempt to win over as many Democratic votes as I can, I present you with this image:
Bush-Cheney 2004. The Future of America.
Can you think of a better caption? When I find a good one I'm going to make a graphic and try to get it going around as a meme. The caption has to be super funny in order to make people want to pass it around. You know what else might be helpful? If someone can find me an unlimited bandwidth server (or at least really high) to store this one image. And a good lawyer. It's either an AP or Reuters picture and i will give credit where credit is due, but it's still probably breaking copyright law.