My attendance is so far beyond fucked that I just don't care anymore. Or at least i keep trying to convince myself of that. Seems I slept through my alarm yet again; woke up at 2.24PM (better than 7PM like normal, shitshitshit) and if I busted it, I might have barely made it on time while being a sweaty, chest heaving mess. However, if you
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The whole damn thing was a surprise, though. The plot bunny wouldn't stop needling me, and I decided to just sit and write it out in one go one weekend when Lily was over. After the initial 15,000~ burst, I decided I may as well run with it. Thus, I have been saying that it would end in, "Two more, maybe three chapters, max," since fucking July. How a one shot ended up being 100,000+ words will never make any sense to my little brain.
The problem I initially had was that there was no plot beyond the original sliver of an idea, but it just kept falling into place until I was writing fucking essays on the psychology of the characters. But I've got over one hundred reviews and almost 8,000 views so I guess I'm not too far off? And only one of them insists on using the caps lock. Although I've got two Austrians who love it and have been quite fun to talk with on the side. One girl wanted to mail me an actual Christmas card...
Boy smut, bringing girls together since...hell if I know how to end that sentence.
If I could go back, I would tighten up a lot of stuff since I know aspects of my grammar have gone to shit because of melding with Japanese syntax. But it's been kind of liberating to just put it up, flaws and all and feel the satisfaction that I've put it out there. It helps that it's been well received, though, ha.
It's kind of weird knowing that you'll be reading my boy smexing, though. Try not to judge it by my normal standards, ne? It was strange realizing that it was the first stuff I had written since second year of college, though. But yeah, the line that started the whole thing was: “Any other time it’s ‘Ore,’ this and ‘Kisama,’ that! What the hell is with this ‘Boku,’ and ‘Kaiba-kun,’ bullshit?” he demanded to know, infuriated. Your guess on how I turned that into 100,000+ words is probably better than mine. We all know what a verbose little bastard I am, though. So yeah, basically it all stemmed from the idea that I mentioned in passing to Lily about how I could see Kaiba fighting against Yuugi and getting all pissy because he was fighting against Yuugi and not Yami, and have Yami pop up from somewhere and freak the hell out of Kaiba.
Feel free to check it out or ignore it; I don't know how familiar you are with YGO, but Lily nailed me hard with that little OTP. I doubt you'll remember it, but the first chapter is actually styled off of a dream I had back in high school. As each thing happened, it appeared from darkness; so when the narrator spoke, it gained a body; when a feather was mentioned, it appeared, etc. I just remember the exchange of, "April Fool's." "...but it's February." Oh the dreams, how strange they can be. I thought I had that one typed out, but it's handwritten only. Doesn't do me any good here, but I did find some other ones of interest. :spelunks:
My sleep pattern is so screwed up (partially a return to writing, imagine that). I got to the point where I would just stop sleeping for days at a time because I saw no point in it; I wasn't tired, trying to sleep frustrated me, and there were other things that I could be doing. So for me to go to bed at 11AM, it's more of a concession to formality than anything else.
I think I just got so thrown off from my college commute -Sunday through Wednesday: go to bed at 5AM, get up at 7AM, get driven to the station, have class until 5PM, take train home and get in anywhere from 6~10PM, have dinner with the folks and wherever else I got dragged- that I was doomed to wakefulness. But the look on people's faces when they realized that when they saw me all week, and up to Thursday that I was functioning on eightish hours over four days, it kind of astounded them because they had no clue whatsoever. "How much Red Bull must you drink!" they would ask. To which I would answer none. And to answer your question of how much Diet Coke, the answer would be a 12oz spread out over the course of a few hours and one when I got home. That was all. No caffeine to blame, which I suppose makes it worse. Shocked the shit out of my doctor, let me tell you.
Uh, so excuse the tangential sleep whatever.
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1. Yeah, kind of absurd. Even more the fact that it will continue past that.
2. It's not indiscriminate, it's accurate -- the characters in the series all are split in the way they use them or not, so I went with that.
3. ::snickers::
4. Well, I know they changed their policy, but given that I've seen stuff that's far more explicit than mine...
5. Still amused.
6. Yeah, things just progressively went wayward. It originally wasn't even a smut fic. >_<
Additionally, GX is made of things that suck. Although the mere thought of "Kaibaman," never fails to send me into hysterics. Another great line is trying to explain another ridiculous plot, "Okay, so Kaiba wanted to prove the superiority of mankind, so he put a Duel Monsters deck drawn by a kid into a satellite and then launched it into space. Fine. Kaiba's a little crazy like that. But then Judai/Jaden/whatever the brat's name is encounters a space alien dolphin and the two of them have to duel against an evil robot/rouge satellite with the deck that he had drawn that was in the original satellite...because they were the only cards he could see, because after his last defeat, he lost the ability to see the drawings on cards."
...yeah, that entertained my mother on a trip home from the salon one night. And that was leaving Kaibaman out of it. The hair was fine, actually a curiously pleasing addition that I hadn't considered, but that helmet? ::snickers::
As for my sleep, it really is very me, isn't it? I know that it's not good and I keep waiting for it to even out, but it doesn't. My original hope over the summer was that I would basically restart myself by going for a few days, sleeping and being back to normal. Yeah, that was a bit naive. The fact that I've stayed up way past 60+ hours straight multiple times without trying and having no reason to (travel, essays, stuff) is kind of disturbing even to me. It's strange -- after a point, you just don't feel the need for it. Or at least I don't. I've never known anyone else who has stayed up as many days as I have in a consecutive span, so I haven't been able to have that conversation. Hell, I'm thrilled if I've found someone who pulled anything over 70 just once. And in those few cases, they concurred with me, but that's probably not saying much since we're all a bunch of crazy bastards. Ugh. At least I'm not doing that anymore.
As for leaving, I'm going back this Sunday. Just sent my luggage off; I'm worried about one bag being wicked heavy, but I got everybook I bought in there with room to spare. I took out a pile of doujinshi just to try and lighten to load -- I had nothing to put in my carry on, so it was doable. My mother still doesn't believe me, though. Not that I blame her. ::laughs::
And Diet Coke, I basically drink one 12oz. a day now. That's about as low as I've managed without getting headaches.
Well, to be fair, I've developed a kneejerk reaction against Japanese honorifics in fan fiction from my short-lived jaunted in FMA fandom, where authors seemed to love having Ed refer to his brother as "Aru" and the "nii-san"s flowed like water. FMA isn't the only fandom guilty of this, but it's certainly the one that stands out in my mind. It's like 'Nam flashbacks, only without the wasted youth and faint smell of napalm.
4. Well, I know they changed their policy, but given that I've seen stuff that's far more explicit than mine...
I avoid ff.n like the plague except when morbid curiosity gets the better of me, but I seem to recall that most of the actual porn writers either got the boot or migrated to other archives in protest at what they considered to be heavy-handed policy on ff.n's part. Since then, I've been sort of operating under the assumption that the most explicit stuff on the site flies just over the PG-13 banner. Shows how much I know, hm?
6. Yeah, things just progressively went wayward. It originally wasn't even a smut fic. >_<
encounters a space alien dolphin and the two of them have to duel against an evil robot/rouge satellite with the deck that he had drawn that was in the original satellite...because they were the only cards he could see, because after his last defeat, he lost the ability to see the drawings on cards."
You realise you're making the show actually sound compelling there, yes? Then again, I guess you can only churn out variations on "kid plays card game, learns valuable life lessons" for so long before you feel the need to stretch your wings a bit. Either that, or the writing staff got blitzed on cheap sake at some point.
As for my sleep, it really is very me, isn't it? I know that it's not good and I keep waiting for it to even out, but it doesn't. My original hope over the summer was that I would basically restart myself by going for a few days, sleeping and being back to normal. Yeah, that was a bit naive. The fact that I've stayed up way past 60+ hours straight multiple times without trying and having no reason to (travel, essays, stuff) is kind of disturbing even to me.
I guess it's a sign of getting old that I don't really pull nearly as many all-nighters as I used to. I'm still up regularly past midnight, but the whole "stay up until 7:30, get thirty minutes of sleep, go into class, try to stay awake long enough to get home, then fall asleep at 1 until 8 or 9 at night" thing is passe at this stage. Part of it comes from actually being in the same time zone as the people I talk to for once. Part of it is actually working. Part of it is the simple fact that I don't spend nearly as much time talking to people online anymore.
That said, your sleep situation is just odd on an epic scale. The fact that you're baffling the medical establishment and flying in the face of common sense is, uh, not as surprising as it should be, but I'd be lying if I didn't feel a wee bit concerned.
As for leaving, I'm going back this Sunday. Just sent my luggage off; I'm worried about one bag being wicked heavy, but I got everybook I bought in there with room to spare. I took out a pile of doujinshi just to try and lighten to load -- I had nothing to put in my carry on, so it was doable. My mother still doesn't believe me, though. Not that I blame her. ::laughs::
As long as you don't end up killing anybody, it's all good. I wasn't expecting you back until January, actually, but my understanding of your travel schedule was always a little loose. Maybe we can make a point of actually meeting up in the new year.
There's a reason I avoid FMA fanfics. They scare me; Lily amuses me with her spelunking in that fandom, but I tend to steer clear of it.
Regarding GX, that show is just so beyond crack, but not in the good way. YGO actually goes beyond cards. The manga has all sorts of fascinating psychology and twists that were conveniently left out of the anime. Death-T is completely disregarded: Kaiba created various games of death all for Yami and after he gets his ass handed to him, Yami puts him in a coma. Speaking of Yami, they also ignore the fact that in the first few volumes, he killed a guy by lighting him on fire with alcohol, killed a gang with a tazer and a puddle, had a man killed with a scorpion, almost killed a guy on an okonokiyaki grill with a bomb in a block of ice that they hit back in forth over a disagreement about a school festival stall, the knife-and-money self stabbing thing, it goes on. Early Yami was a psychotic fucker and he earned the name for a reason. Other fun stuff: evil professor gets devoured in the museum and his accomplice gets turned into a zombie that fucks around with Jounouchi, Mokuba tries to kill Jounouchi and Yuugi with poisoned food after having them spend the night, Kaiba in the fuzzy prince robes, a toddler who continually molests Anzu's breasts during Death-T.
That's not counting all the mindfuckery with Kaiba's past (those two panels of the whip and dog collar are just fucked up), Marik getting the pharaoh's history carved into his back and killing his father afterwards, Bakura's insanity. And they never animate Kaiba bitchslapping anyone with a briefcase or in Duelist Kingdom when he holds a man hostage by sitting in a chair, having one of the baddies tied up on the ground, his head resting inside of the briefcase, while Kaiba threatens to kill him by smashing it closed. Death by briefcase. Uh, I get a little too happy any time Kaiba bitchslaps someone with his briefcase of doom....Pegasus actually dies in the anime and doesn't go on to do whatever the fuck in Doma arc and GX.
As I continually said in the beginning when Lily got me into it, "This is so not a kid's show!" And don't even get me started on some of the cards and villans. Harpies with Cyber Bondage being one of my personal favorite, "Wait, in a children's show? Repeatedly?" And that got animated! Censored in the American release, but still. Diabound and Zork's forms with the giant cocks of doom also were the cause of much head scratching. That list goes on, but you can't tell me that sounds like a kids series.
The space dolphin episode of GX is worth it just for the hilarious WTFery that runs consistent through it. And have you seen Kaibaman?
Sleeping, it's just become so strange. I actually thought about it recently, and it's just all been shit since second year of college. That was consequence of a bad medicinal reaction. Then the junior year dreams of "Dear god, just make it stop," happened. I would have anywhere from four to eight vivid dreams a night that I could recall in perfect detail. I would always wake up more exhausted than when I went to sleep because of what I would experience in the dream. It was so realistic that I just started freaking the hell out that I wouldn't know which reality was mine anymore. Bless Hea-Young and Lily for grounding me. It took a year for that shit to stop. Tried sleeping pills, but had to stop since nothing was powerful enough; I was taking three times the normal dose of one that is considered a narcotic in most states. Even then it would still take over an hour to kick in, and then I would only sleep for three or four. We never could figure out why. The senior commute became an issue and during this summer, it was job, grad school, and that obnoxious little brat adding drama. Gah. Anything under 48 hours I function perfectly well; anything past that, I refuse to operate a car just for common sense and safety. Truth be told, I would take sleepless days over those continual dreams any time.
Finishing up with traveling, I get back Sunday, but then there's grandparents visit, etc.
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I usually like manga choices over anime, but for some strange, strange reason, I really like the addition of the Noa character -- Kaiba's adopted father's real son that was put into a computer after he was killed. The animation goes a little NGE at times with the character, but considering how extreme of a massive change to the plot, I'm surprisingly for it. Haven't watched the Doma arc, so no feelings on that, but it looks like pure crack from the bits I have seen.
The grandparents were originally supposed to be at my house the day I got in, but it got pushed back a few days, thankfully. And no trip to Fairmont that I'm aware of, so yay for that.
Oh well, final for now so need to cut it short. Ha.
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I would give you specific volumes to look at, but I need to be in front of my bookcase before I can do that. I forgot about the one where Jounouchi and Yuugi talk about a porn video that they both watched and Jounouchi starts complaining about the mosaic/pixels that block out the "important parts." Yami later punishes a man by making him see only in mosaic/pixels, although that wasn't porn related. I can't remember if Yuugi's grandfather took a video away, but I seem to recall Anzu asking if she could borrow one of the videos, and there was much arm waving. Or maybe I'm just out of it. Spent ten hours in three bookstores. I'm hopeless....especially since I need to finish putting the newly acquired things in my carry on and finish cleaning up, but I have zero will to do it right now, bah.
Oh well. Let me know if you ever end up tracking down the start of the series. Hopefully all is well on your end.
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