
Apr 02, 2009 22:42

the wind is all swirly! yay! except my poor dog does not want to come in--
and i'm too tired to recount ALL the actual drama. so here's a brief synopsis: s is bitching because r is booking her clients with anybody but her and then r starts booking e's clients with s and they both get the old hackles up; j is pissed off at the known universe because her personal life is crumbling--plus she got attacked by some random mini-van stealing freak at STARBUCKS. d is all zen like until r shit storms him after hours and h just skulks around glaring and smiling....c is her usual sunshine and shimmer which is the only thing that gets me thru on days when r goes off med and bombastic. r and j double teamed poor rj; no joke--r called her a stupid pea-brained cunt and j said some equally crappy shit before the poor thing came to her senses and walked the fuck out. i'll miss her--but--good for her. my campaign to capture m's affection has fruited spectacular results; i'm booked.
that's this week--and that's about 1/2 of it.
see--it's exhausting. anybody know if it's possible to put xanax in an aerosol? so i can just pleasantly mist belligerant poopheads?

so when you suggest i touch shears on my days off and i arch my eyebrows and slide sideways in that conversation...maybe you will understand. i do leave my shears at work; along with the salon bidness.

but if i really love you--you'll get a haircut as soon as i get set up.
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