An Irregular Regular Update

Sep 22, 2011 14:56

I've had an odd few weeks this month. Dan was in Belgium for two weeks, and I was home alone sans car.
The inevitable happened, and I went sort of nocturnal and, yes, troglodytey.

And then I fixed my sleep patterns to going to bed early and getting up early - like, 6am early, which as anyone who knows me well can attest is pretty much a miracle. And then I stuck to it for nearly two weeks (!!).

Last night I went to SCA meeting, developed a vicious killer headache - nausea, unable to focus, the whole works. I wondered if I was coming down with a migraine, but I think it was actually a sinus thing, as as I finally pulled into my driveway after the drive home from hell (still not as bad as a) driving out of quake city or b) the swine flu + angry sick cats run or c) driving long distance with gall stones, so really, not that bad at all ;-P) I had a sneezing fit and it improved.

I still threw up though, which sucked, and then I took some painkillers and pseudoephedrine (OMG thank god for a country that still lets you buy real decongestants, even with restrictions). Which improved everything most satisfactorily, but also kept me up until 5am, so FAIL.

I kept the sleeping short today, and I'm hopeful I can fix it and go back to the morning thing, because *shock, horror* I've actually been enjoying it a lot. The early morning is a lot like the night - quiet and peaceful and just pleasant to be in (YMMV, esp. if you have children....)

I'm trying really hard at the moment to get my enthusiasm for things up again - it's been hard, the last wee while, because there's all sorts of carry on with insurance and buying a car and everything, that's made me question if I really want to try and build a life here only to have it inevitably destroyed by things beyond my control (issues, I have them). I think, maybe, we're close to getting that sorted out, and then I'll feel more like I can safely make plans. Also I'm not very enthused for craft stuff, even though I want to be, which is kind of weird.

And I'm not cooking. At all. I want to get that back, I miss the contentment and excitement I get out of it. It's hard with Dan barely ever here, and without my hungry hordes around to randomly fling food at. We need a bigger freezer, I think, and then I can cook for myself, and freeze leftovers for when I Cannot Be Bothered At All.

I'm just not feeling very creative at the moment. I have awesome ideas and plans, and then the actual execution, even of quite basic things like purchasing fabric, foils me. I want to do some SCA stuff, and some Christmas stuff and some home decor stuff, and I'm not lacking in inspiration, just in whatever the hell it is that happens after that. Confidence? Enthusiasm? Stick-to-it-iveness?
I have some brocaded tablet weaving for practice all warped up, but I don't know how to start, and rather than looking it up in my numerous books or online, I'm just letting it sit there. Looming at me (sorry).

On the positive side, we've been making strides in making our apartment more how I want it to be - new curtains, and we got rid of the Evil Falling Apart Bedstead Of Doom, which I HATED. It's not perfect, and it's not the house I dreamed of, but it has lots of advantages, including being relatively inexpensive, and that we really like the landlord, who lives upstairs and lets us pretty much do anything we want. It's nice for me to have someone nearby when Dan is away, and I love having very few restrictions on a rental, because I'm so used to having my own house that I can do anything to. So, swings and roundabouts.

One of the things I want to do, soonish, is purchase some squirrel feeders and food. They are all bustling about at the moment, it being fall, and I think they're awesome. Dan suggested setting up a squirrel webcam, because he's sort of crazy, but if he sticks around for any length of time, I think I might make him do it.

I'm planning to attend Midrealm Coronation this weekend - we know the incoming royalty, and someone else I know is being elevated to the Laurels, plus it's not far away and we haven't gone to a big/fancy SCA event here yet (Pennsic doesn't count). I'm sort of hopeful it might reignite my enthusiam for things SCA, and maybe I'll finish some of my projects. I'm also interested to see how they do it here, which is often so different from at home, and often so much the same.
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