Seriously, Winter?

Feb 09, 2010 20:17

We got 33.8 inches of snow Friday in to Saturday. Husband and I spent a good 6 hours shoveling to clear walkways and cars and driveway. It took until Monday at 5:30 for the plows to come through. (Hey, I got a day off, so I shouldn't complain!) And now?

Now they are calling for 10-20 MORE INCHES OF SNOW! WTF? Where in the hell are we supposed to put that? The roads still aren't clear, there are towering mountains of snow everywhere, and more is coming??? My mom, who moved to Northern ME (so I refuse to visit her except in the spring and summer so as to avoid the snow) is laughing her ass off at me. Thanks for the love, Mom. I sent her pics of the snow, and she sent them to her local news channel. And they put them on the news. Heh.

When is spring? *kicks snow at groundhog*