Jan 31, 2008 17:33
I met Andrew (in person) four years ago today. It was a Saturday night. We sat up in my room, mugs of chai in hand (politely, Andrew had accepted my offer of a cup of the stuff, since I didn't yet know that he hates milk), talking about biodiesel, sustainable agriculture, and other nerdly things. Then we went out to a dinner at our local Thai place, fell in love, yadda yadda.
Then I keeeesed him.:D
Two dates later, I had the keys to his apartment and we were browsing engagement rings. Sometimes, you just know.
That isn't to say that there haven't been rocky times, but I don't think either of us has ever felt, even at the worst of times, that we wanted to quit this thing. We just had some adjusting to do, you know?
Our three-year wedding anniversary is coming up on April 8th. I had originally wanted Andrew to make reservations at Le Bec Fin in Philadelphia, but we really shouldn't be spending that kind of money on food right now. Maybe for Christmas or something.:) I'm sure that whatever we come up with will be fun times indeed.