Yesterday, Kevin and I went to Sears to scout out the appliances. The seller in the house Andrew and I are buying isn't including the fridge, washer, or dryer (although our realtor might ask them if we can purchase them cheaply), and Kevin's new place needs them, too. So, out we went. Of course I immediately gravitated toward these:
They're pretty expensive, though, and I have to make sure that the house can run them (some washers and dryers need a gas line plus electric, and I'm not sure if these do and/or if our new home has a gas line running to the laundry room). Worse comes to worse, I'll get something else, but these are sexy and red.:) And the best part? They're energy-star certified. W00t.
Last night, Andrew and I discussed the possibility of selling his car once we move. We'll be living with biking distance of several train stations, meaning he could commute to work that way and we could save on fuel/ maintence costs and also decrease our carbon footprint. Jettas have a high resale value; Andrew has determined that we could get between $5000- $10000 for it. I'm pretty excited about this. Of course, I'll need to keep my car so I can haul my harp around, but it'll be nice not to have to worry about two vehicles.
Andrew has also suggested that we convert to geo-thermal heating/ AC at some point in the future. The ductwork is all there, as our house already has central air, so we'd just have to get the piping into the ground completed. That would decrease utility costs AND our mark on mother earth.
We have scheduled our mortgage-application appointment (Thursday) and the required home inspections (early Monday morning). Things are rolling along quite nicely. I may even scoot over to Home Depot today and pick up some packing materials.