Where did the sun go?

Jun 13, 2008 16:01

Screw the LJ zombie apocalypse.

Looking South out the big bay windows.
(This shot also shows off the shiny new roof on the pool. Except they didn't put the solar panels back up. Fail.)

Looking West out my bedroom window. (The light streaks on the left is not a beam of sunlight, it's the reflection from my curtain.)

Looking North-West leaning out over the garage roof from my bathroom window.

And then I went back to my room (I was feeding the lizards just now while taking the pictures) and saw the sun.

It changed color quickly as I was looking at it.

And then it dissapeared. (...it didn't grow, that was just me zooming in. We'd be in big trouble if it grew like that.)

I don't know what fire this is from. All of the ones I've heard about on the news are at least an hour away or more. The Indians* fire at Hunter Ligget to the South seems most likely since the wind is blowing North. The next closest is probably the Martin fire in Bonny Doon. Based on where it looks like its coming up from in that first picture, though, it seems almost as though it's coming from around Paraiso Springs, which makes it much, much closer. About a 15-20 minute drive SW.

*Politically incorrect name aside, The Indians is pretty freaking awesome. I went there with my CA Ecosystems class a couple years back. It looks at first like a large rocky outcropping in the middle of a field. Then you start climbing up through it and find yourself on the edge of a huge secret valley that you never would have guessed was back there. My words don't do it justice. I would like to visit again just, y'know, when it's not ON FIRE.


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