I like it when I start to type out something short and it expands to multiple paragraphs. I could go back and edit it down but on the other hand it's my journal and I'll be rambly if I want to! I will put it under a cut this time, though, because the point of this post is all the pictures I took of a privateer!
A couple weeks ago
haikujaguar did one of her
One Card Draws and, finding myself in the actually in the timeslot for once and feeling like I could use a little guidance, abstract as it may be, I
requested a card.
That's just the set up, at least.
What I got out of it was a need to be a little more scheduled. Not organized exactly, I find my methods of organization (or lack thereof in many cases) to work fine for me. It's the lack of external deadlines and my poor habit of keeping my own. Especially since there are no hours for me to work anymore. There might be one last school field trip coming up (one school canceled on us FOUR TIMES over the season and in order to fulfill grant requirements we need to get one last field trip in, even though planting season is essentially over) but otherwise I've had no hours since 19 April.
I also just realized right this very moment that today timesheets were due and I just missed the deadline. Craaaaaap.
That sort of helps to illustrate what's going on with me at least.
I'm trying to keep much closer track of when things need to be done, which I'm generally relatively good at, and when things should be done, which I'm pretty horrible at. Things that have no set due date but should be done by such and such a time anyway. Back when I was in school, I could keep deadlines and due dates as long as they were set by somebody else. If I tried to set something, even though it needed to be done, I would always allow myself to flake or bend my own deadline and so forth with a few exceptions.
So far it's only working moderately well. For example, I got a letter sent off to my grandparents last week 'on time' but I pushed back finishing a part of the CSS tutorial I'm working on to Monday (finished it Tuesday) and I meant to have a photo post of the roadtrip
dsch and I took up yesterday. I pushed that off to Thursday and replaced it with a photo post of The Lynx. ...which is going up today instead.
I did clean up my computer today as planned though. (And oh man there was SO MUCH FUR underneath the keys of my keyboard!)
So while I'm not completely happy with myself for pushing things back and doing things like gaming when I could use a couple hours out of that time to get other stuff, at least I'm still being productive and actually getting things done. The only way to get better at it is to keep working at it. And part of that is to post about The Lynx.
A couple weekends ago, mom, dad, and I went to Monterey to check out The Lynx, a replica of the 1812 clipper.
We got to Old Fisherman's Wharf with about half an hour to spend on the boat until they shooed all the tourists off, had their lunch, and took high paying tourists on a cruise of the bay. The crew was all dressed in period costume, though I don't think I actually got any photos of them. To took tons of the masts and rigging, though.
It took me several tries to get the fish flag. So many were perfect when I hit the button but turned out furled.
The name on one of the boats in the harbor caught my eye.
After crew kicked everyone off we meandered around the wharf, waiting and hoping it would do something cool and interesting (like raise some canvas!)
In the meantime, the sea lions were, as always, entertaining.
After about an hour we went back to check on the Lynx to find we were just in time! The crew was preparing to cast off while one of their number explained things to a whole bunch of people aboard.
They used the moter all the way out of the harbor, though, and they were pretty far out before any of the sails were raised.
I had to zoom way in and crop a lot of everything else out for these.
Dad and I went to Lover's Point, hoping for a few more pictures and I scored this one:
I didn't even know the gull was there until after I took the picture and it was gone!
Meanwhile, the Lynx has a pretty sweet website if you're interested in finding out more.
www.privateerlynx.com Vi managed to slip out of his harness today but instead of bolting he just kept doing what he usually does while on a leash, making it very easy to capture him and take him inside where I could re-adjust the straps.
Kitty's not as thick around as he pretends it seems!