I keep almost making a post and then not.
Two finals on Monday! I... may have sacrificed my grade on the Calc 2 final for one on the Stats. There were several things I left mostly blank on the calc one (should've studied integrals and series tests harder...) but I think I rocked the stats one (because I spent most of the weekend memorizing statistical tests and what each does!)
And then I came down with sick. I'd call it a cold but it's not quite like the usual cold I get. In fact, it seems supsiciously familiar... like
that crap I had back in June. All right when I need to make a major presentation! (Capstone Festival on Thursday, University Center Livingroom! Everyone's invited! I'm at 11:40am.)
Fortunately my first practice presentation (yesterday, after both finals) went well. Of the sort where Dan and Suzy said, "If this were the real thing, you'd be in good shape! As it is, though, here's a few suggustions..."
Have another practice tomorrow. And then I need to find some shoes because this requires a business type outfit, which I (possibly unsurprisingly) do not have.
lonebluewolf is succeeding in talking me into going to FurtherConfusion this January. It butts right up against the start of the Spring semester, though, so I think I'm probably just going to do a one day thing.
I have art to post and am being very lazy about it!