Oh what's this now! (Late by a few days but I wanted to include "Cadillac Desert" since I was so close to the end!)
Half-Year Accomplishments Meme Yoinked from
haikujaguar several years ago now.
The Meme Rules:
Accomplishments, not Milestones: This meme isn't about milestones you've reached or honors you've received; it's about the actions you've taken and the personal goals you've completed. So, for instance, a writer can list the stories he's submitted (the work he's done), but not the stories that were bought (which he had no control over). When opportunity comes around, sometimes we get what we want... but making opportunities happen often--that's what this is about.
No Decimal Points: You can't list the "2.5" recipes you've perfected. If we all counted the things we've started but never finished, we'd all have millions of accomplishments. Count only the finished things. Note that your priorities will dictate what you measure--one writer might count stories finished. Another might count words written.
Everything Counts: If you planted only one plant for your planned flower garden, don't list it as 'only 1'. Don't denigrate it in the comments to follow. You finished something. That counts. Always.
And a note from Cata: You are more than welcome to join the meme! I find it's a nice way to keep track of what I actually got DONE in six months and organize myself in terms of what I want to do in the next six. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't but it always seems I learn from it either way. If you choose to participate, feel free to comment here telling me you've done so! I like to see what other people have done as well. ^_^
catamount3's Accomplishments:
- California Ecosystems Lecture and Lab: A
- California Transect Orientation and Trip: A
- River Hydrology Lecture and Lab: A-
- Capstone Seminar 1: A, and a complete Capstone proposal
- Submitted Capstone abstract to California Invasive Plant Council Symposium
- Two pieces completed and uploaded. [
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- Seven 'scraps' uploaded. [
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- Leveled SilentRain (human rogue) from 48 to 60! Plus assorted skills (Tribal Leatherworker)
- Leveled Fial (gnome warlock) from 19 to 35. Plus assorted skills.
- Started and leveled Tule (tauren shaman) to 22. Plus assorted skills.
- Worked 142 hours as a Weed Warrior.
- Read 12 books: 10 novels, 2 non-fiction ("Cadillac Desert" by Marc Reisner and "Introduction to California Plant Life" by Robert Ornduff, Phyllis M. Faber, and Todd Keeler-Wolf)*
- Boomed the dune!
- Reorganized my desk!
- Put together slidshow of Transect pictures for sharing in a timely manner (see previous post)
And my addition to the meme: Goals. Long term, short term, silly, and important. Goals are goals are goals.
= Good lord, this is getting rediculous. Beat D00M III already. Maybe I'll get my FPS on next week or something.
= Start running some endgame. Decide on grinding Fial to 60. (Because the sad truth is, my lock is more likely to be wanted in a raid than my rogue.)
= Mod Kazul's new big cage for use, because she's SO ready for it.
= Do well with data collection for Capstone. By which I mean be consistant, keep good records and start next week, because it's already late.
= Do more art. I've a lot of thing in progress that I just need to concentrate on.
= New Crossed Paths website!
= pwn Calc 2 and Stats. Or at least pass them the first time around.
* From the way I listed things, one might think I value the non-fiction over the novels. This is because novels are like candy for me (except for the really bad ones that I just can't make it through, though those probably aren't worth reading anyway). It's the non-fiction that I find challanging. Because several of these books are interesting. They're what I'm learning and they have stuff I should know, they're just hard to get through.
"Cadillac Desert," for example, took me several months. That's not to say it wasn't interesting because now it's given me a good background on water development in the west and the Bureau of Reclamation. I couldn't sit down and read it like I do with novels, though. I got through this one in incriments. While waiting for Paula, a few pages before breakfast, while playing WoW (what else am I going to do when it turns out I have to fly from Gadgetzan to Darnassus?), while feeding the lizards, etc. Same thing with the plants book. I feel pleased with myself for getting through them, though, and I definately know more due to the process. (I totally recommend "Cadillac Desert" to anyone who's interested in geology, water rights/law, irrigation/agriculture in the west, the way Congress works, or dams. Now I know why I got it recommended to me in THREE different classes.)
I think a new goal of mine is to attempt at least one, preferrably more but at LEAST one, non-fiction book per 6 months. Goodness knows I have a stack of them I should go through. I think the next will be "The Exploration of the Colorado River and its Canyons," because holy crap I think John Westly Powell is my new hero!