Aug 27, 2002 16:07
i had the most bestest day today and it's only 4 o'clock!!! Here are the highlights:
1)got a 92 on my Ethics test (which i didn't study for)
2)Quig did my spanish hw! (thanks! i appreciate it!)
3)the teachers didn't piss me off
(get ready... here's the best reason!)
4) i got in the best bitch fight today w/ a girl i hate! (laurel)
here's the story on that one...SO, i'm in AP U.S history.... right? well that means i have two periods of this class a day (lecture and lab) well, i already hate my class (the grade) SO MUCH! So, the 5 girls, catherine, beckah, deb, sarah, and laurel, that i ABSOLUTELY can't stand have been drivin' me up the wall this week! (yeah i know... it's only tuesday) Well, yesterday, since these girls (and mary) were all talking... Doc. Sing' gave us a pop quiz.... EVERYONE failed.... even jarrod and deb (the smartest people in my grade)! So, laurel (who sits in front of me... which is probably why she pisses me off the most!) is trying to argue her way out of the F that she just received, because we got them back in lab today....(i'm thinkin'... just suck it up! you'll see more of those in college if not this year!) and i, like the REST of the class... was trying to study for the test tomorrow.... so finally, i was sick and tired of hearin' her mouth.... so very loudly i said, "if you'd stop dicking around, you might be passing right now." (yes i said that EXACTLY!) so then the WHOLE class is in an uproar of laughter and even the teacher is HISTARICALLY laughing (he tried to hold his composer... but he just couldn't!) so then laurel turns to me... and says (under her breath) BITCH.... and i'm thinkin, "is this supposed to hurt my feelings??? i'll write it on my forhead if you want me to!" so then like maybe afer 10 minutes pass and everything was quiet.... Steven Shea (who sits to the left of me) asks laurel a question... about what... i don't remember.... but she was very attitude-ee w/ him... and he was askin' 'er, "what's wrong"... and she gave him this look like UGH! you don't already know? and he started saying, "is it your grade, the class, or her?" so she turns to me... this time so i can really hear it... and says... "no! it's the bitch sitting behind me!" so this time... i talked back! i was like... is that supposed to hurt my feelings??? am i supposed to care?" and she says, "ya know janet, it's about time you start caring for other people!" and i was like.... "i do care about people...just not you..." (oh by the way... after her first calling me of a bitch... she started crying because i just didn't care...and i guess she was hurt by my "embarrassing" comment.) so, then she was holding back tears again! Then again... she said, "YOU ARE SUCH A BITCH!" and i was like "I DON"T CARE..." and she was like... BITCH.... and then i made the motion with my hand like it was talking ya know? and i was like "BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH, BITCH!!! I DON"T CARE!!!!!" then she said, "you better watch it! I'm bout ready to slap you!" and i looked right at her with the straightest face possible, and said, "you couldn't if you tried." so then she said to Dr. Sing', "can i leave.... i think it would be better for the class if i just left." well, she didn't leave... but i was laughing THE WHOLE ENTIRE TIME! from the moment i said, "stop dickin' around..." until i left his room... i was CRACKING UP!!!!!!!!! it was the funniest thing in the world! so hell yeah! i made her cry 2x.... and now... anyone who didn't hate me before... but is friends w/ her.... will hate me now! i have not been so happy in a long time!!!!! i just let it all out! a whole year's worth of aggravation.... released!!!!!
(wow! it took me 30 min. to right that! goodness.....) that's basically all for now...