tra la la da la

Sep 23, 2006 19:40

I'm currently typing this out on my sexy laptop. Ordinarily, I use my darling computer but then I realised that laptopbaby was getting all lonely. Hence, I'm admiring it. It has the cutest little mouse gadget thingy (for some weird reason, it has a USB attached to it, and also a little button on its side where when you press it, a little square pops up and magnifies everything. This is so very useful, as with old age, comes great blindness).

Seductive little silver minx is making humming noises. *sighs in technology-induced bliss*

Erm, supposed to be doing biology. Am making great headway! (In between episodes of gay anime, tee hee).

Pet Peeve of the Day:
People who have music on their blogs. And those macromedia flash/video thingies which FORCE themselves on you. GAH.

The Devil Wears Prada is a really good book. I succumbed to buying it today and no wonder they made a movie out of it. It reminds me of Memoirs of a Geisha disregarding the whole Geisha and "Land of the Rising Sun" bits.

Second Pet Peeve of the Day"
Pop ups, eurgh. No, I do not want to join Starcity Casino despite the pretty twinkling lights and money sounds. Never underestimate a good pop-up blocker. (Note to Self: Must install computer when can be bothered...)

hey guys, I found a picture of Cindy Wang

peeves, devil wears prada, technology love

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