Yes, I DO INDEED LIVE for all of you who I usually only kept in touch with on here. To be honest I'm quite surprised how many people kept me on their friend list o_O. I haven't updated this thing in I guess I'll sum up my life, to an extent ^^.
This is getting lenghty o_O )
FFXI is NOT the cause of my depression, PERIOD. You're only thinking that because that's all you see me do. It's not, especially anymore, because I have been getting better. Hell, think of it this least I've admitted my problem, haven't I? I've pointed out what's wrong, and what I need to do about it, haven't I? I'm depressed because my job has fucked me over for no reason, I'm depressed because anything I've tried to do about it hasn't done a fucking thing, I'm depressed cuz I'm lonely (in the emotional sense, not physical), and last but not least...the main reason I'm on this medication, I'm depressed cuz it runs in the family. I didn't know until recently that my family has a HUGE trend of medical Aunt has been on medication for it for a very long time, and my Dad has been for the past year or so, and he's doing great. I'm hoping this medication will do the same for me, and I'm trying my best to be positive about it...and I think it's working. The fact you're seeing this post, this comment, me being on the net AT ALL should be a good sign to you all, not a reason to bash me and make me feel like my friends hate me.
Game are my form of escape, it always has been. When XI came out I needed an escape...and I've met many great friends on there, friends that I couldn't live without, just like my RL friends. I'm addicted to the people, not the game, realize that.
2. Escaping from your problems won't solve them.
3. Now that you've admitted to your problem, you need to do something about it.
Ryan and Mitch are speaking very wise words right about now. Delete your FF11 account. You said you aren't making good money nowadays right? FF11 will only take more from you.
Take Ryan's advice and be pre-FF11 hoef. you'll be happier that way.
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