(no subject)

Aug 31, 2003 23:25

Hmm...is it me...or is there next to nothing to do on the internet anymore...let alone post about on the forums?

Cuz I used to be able to spend hours upon hours online doing stuff and posting...now i find myself barely online for 30 minutes at a time cuz there's so little to do. It kinda sucks...almost as if I'm losing interest in the net...or maybe it's losing interest in me...who the hell knows.

I'm also a little pissed about something that happened today...for the sake of space, I'll lj-cut it.

Ya know...there's one thing I hate...it's when people directly lie to me willingly.

Especially when it's people I trust, let alone love. Liz said she really wanted to see me today. I told her I really wanted to see her. I told her I'd be home at 4PM...when I get home I call, and she's not home...out with friends. So I leave a message to have her call me back.

She eventually calls back at around 6:30. She's "cat-sitting" for a neighbor up the street. So we talk for a while, I tell her there's a family party thing tomorrow at 4 and she's invited, we tell each other we love each other, blah blah blah, and she says she was gonna head home around 7-ish and ask her mom about the family party thing tomorrow, and if I can stop by for a bit. So I lay down on the couch and wait for her to call.

7:15. No response. Hmm, maybe she's taking her time with the cat.
7:30. Still nothing. I start getting concerned.
7:45. What. The. Fuck. Where is she?
8:00. I'm about to just give up. I'm kinda pissed at this point wondering what's going on.

8:05. She finally calls. I ask her where the hell she was. She said she was at Marcy's having some "much needed relaxion". At this point I'm even more so pissed. She tells me she wants to see me, that she misses me, that she wants a hug and all this shit...but does she do a damn thing about it? Nope, not at all. She was out all day, and the one time she had available for me to come over, she goes over to Marcy's who she can go see whenever the hell she wants!

On top of that, she could've called from Marcy's telling me I couldn't come, or if she mentioned when she was cat-sitting she was going to stop by Marcy's, I wouldn't have minded. It's the fact she lied about going home, did something totally different, and never even bothered to tell me. I sat on that couch for an hour and a half waiting for her to get back. It was pitch black outside by the time she got back. BAH.

Like I said to Mitch, what kind of message do you think that sends me, huh? You tell me you love me and you miss me, yet when the opportunity arrives you decide to see your friend who lives fuckin next door to you. Geez, makes me feel freakin loved and appreicated all right. *sigh* I just want her to know why I was pissed, and that I felt really low and unloved because of how she acted. She had all afternoon and evening to see me, but she turned her back on me and decided to see her friend ;__;.

I need to stop ranting...I'm getting pissed off again.

It feels a bit better to get that out...blargh...

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