Episode 1.58 - "No More Class"

Dec 08, 2005 20:42

This morning is our final Film 101 class. It's reserved as the class we would study Queer Theory a.k.a "movies that challenge gender roles and binaries" or as Mrs. Williams-Kief reads in the politically correct introduction "movies made by queers, featuring queers, giving a queer perspective"... Seriously, I think she has set a world record for most usage of the word "queer" in under a minute.

We watch Boys Don't Cry, which starts out like a gay horror movie. Hilary Swank with her wet, emaciated freckled face and her Runaway Bride eyes--AHHHHH!! But it actually turns out to be an excellent film, especially in terms of editing and staging. Plus, I finally see how some people could think Chloe Sevigny's hot. She plays the stoner/hot teenage vampire... oh well, I'm not into burnouts. Their bodies suck. For real.

Speaking of Queer Theory, two of my favorite, most innovative directors are openly gay--Ryan Murphy (POPular & Nip/Tuck) and Baz Luhrmann (Romeo & Juliet & Moulin Rouge). Another film, David Lynch's Mulholland Drive is absolutely OUTSTANDING! It's the best mystery movie I've ever seen and it does nonlinear (plus girl-on-girl) storytelling the RIGHT way as opposed to the Grudge way. That reminds me, The Grudge sucks and blows; I can't believe I bought it sight unseen last spring.

The Creative Writing Pizza party is fucking boring. The room is dead-silent until Dusty enters and breaks the ice. You'd think he was the only thing we all have in common! I bring holiday cookies! Yeah, all by myself I made... the trip to the Rite Aid to buy them! That reminds me, on the way to the Rite Aid, I go to see my dealer at the Family Pharmacy and it smells like old people in therre. Ew, it's been years since I've smelled that. Damn, it reeks of rotting flesh in that store. Seriously, I feel like I'm in the Thriller music video surrounding by moving corpses. *cringe* It's strange: so many talented people yet we all don't really hang that much. The only ones I'll still hang with after today for sure are Allyson, Kelly, Jai, and Ambika. Dusty tells us that our class of first-years has proved the Department wrong since none of us ever had any problems succeeding in a 200-level Englishcourse. True Dat.

Later on, I catch up with Aimee on Washington Street. And guess what, Aimee almost died, y'all! This evening she's kinda spaced/zombie-like as she crosses the street; she stops to talk to me for a sec (having halfway crossed), but some asshole swerves and drives through the crosswalk and is centimeters away! It's soooo scary! Luckily, her Near Death Experience wakes Aimee up and the two of us walk back to Huber together. Apparently, she hasn't slept for 72 hours because she's had to write a 10-page paper, 8-page paper, and a 6-page paper all this week. She asks if she can borrow my To Wong Foo... and of course, I say, "Yes." Yes.

prof. williams-kief, jaimie schock, kelly bennett, james burkhalter, aimee george, s1, allysontthompson, ambika kirkland

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