Genre: The Chronicles of Narnia
Title: The Call
Chapter Title: Expectations (002/100)
catalyst283Word count: 446
Rating: G
Warnings: lots and lots of thoughts and rhetorical questions
Notes: This one took a lot longer to write-hopefully it all makes sense in the end. Some inspiration for the piece came from the theological argument in “The Brothers Karamazov”. Kudos to those who know what I’m talking about.
Oh and I've now got the story also up on
over here, if you're interested. :)
She has been expecting it-waiting for it, even-all morning and afternoon. It is only when the sun starts to fall in the sky that he calls them over to his side, his gentle eyes gazing patiently at them. If anything, this only serves to further her growing impatience and irritation-uneasy feelings that have not left her since the end of the battle. Her brother catches her gaze immediately, his eyes showing the same fear that she feels inside of her, the terrible dreading of the bad news that they both know (have known for awhile) is coming shortly to them. This time will change everything.
He says what they have been expecting simply, calmly. It is only a statement to him, a mere fact. And they, they are merely the pawns on the giant chessboard of Narnia that he has constructed so carefully, so perfectly.
So it is a shock to them all-even herself-when she holds his gaze firmly and refuses to let this argument go un-debated, her questions coming rapid-fire after his simple statement.
For it has never been in her nature to question commonly held beliefs or the way of life, or to be stubborn and hold fast to her beliefs even when they are challenged, like her sister and older brother. Nor does she possess the great amount of logic of her younger brother, though she sometimes surprises herself in that area. She is known as Susan the Gentle for a reason, of course. But there is something about this second time in Narnia that makes her not willing to accept the position of a pawn that the great lion has given her.
Why, she asks, is this our fate? Why is this the end? How are you so certain that we are meant to never return? Why can’t we stay-why did you ever bring us here if we were only to be left back in our own world after you were done using us? She leaves her most important question unasked, knowing that she will never get a satisfactory answer and wanting him to see it in her eyes and answer it anyway all the same.
It does not surprise her when he does not answer, and instead waits patiently for the question he knows will come. He is right.
Why didn’t we get to choose our future?
It is not long after they have left Narnia when she realizes that she wasn’t talking about the four of them anymore. She turns away before her siblings can see the tears falling silently down her cheeks.
She is a queen, after all.