Genre: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Title: 100 Days, 100 Drabbles
Chapter Title: The Crossroads of Destiny (084/100)
catalyst283Word count: 215
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Notes: Again, you have absolutely NO IDEA how hard the season finale drabbles are to write. ;;_;; There’s just so many quotes, so many different plots, characters, motives, ect…you could do dozens of drabbles off the finales……but I just chose one idea here, and I hope you like the drabble that resulted. =)
The Crossroads of Destiny
No. I’m tired of running. It’s time I faced Azula!
All this time, I’ve been running to and from so many things. Azula. My father. The Avatar. Sometimes I don’t know which I’m running from anymore, and which I’m running towards. But I know it’s time I stopped running. I’m so tired of it; I’m just so tired of not going anywhere in my life. And I’ve finally realized that my life isn’t going to change-unless I change it.
It’s time I finally stood my ground and faced my problems head on; it’s time I faced up to the things I’ve been running from all along.
You are free to choose.
She says it like I have a choice, when in reality it is something we both know I do not have. Just like everything else in life. Uncle even knows this, though he desperately wants to believe otherwise, is trying to convince me otherwise. But I know there is no choice in this matter-there hasn’t been for a long time. Her face flashes before my mind, the tears dripping down it ones I know will scar me forever.
And even as she leaves, we both know my decision.