100 Days, 100 Drabbles (#81: Appa's Lost Days)

Jan 11, 2008 22:25

Genre: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Title: 100 Days, 100 Drabbles
Chapter Title: Appa’s Lost Days (081/100)
Word count: 258
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Notes: I wrote a similar piece to this, but much, much darker. (The one with the cell and the…err-body…remember? #72: Avatar Day) Yet this [drabble] isn’t completely light, either…


Appa’s Lost Days

Well that's ok, any friend of the Avatar, is an enemy of mine.
You're not prettier than we are!
You're so colorful, it's making me nauseous.

The insults are only used as distractions. They care not what we think, only what we feel. They use words to make us feel rage and make a mistake, one that can only be deadly in this situation. They want us to fail, to trip, to lose. They care only about winning. But we are different. We have heart, passion, love. Our mission is to protect those who cannot protect themselves, to save this big beast from torture worse than death at the hands of their leader.

She counts it as a mistake when I put my life in danger by saving the sky bison’s. Those mere seconds cost me, moments in time she does not wait to act upon. You have lost this battle, she sneers.

But she knows nothing.

The prison cell is a small price to pay for what we have done. And when the Avatar and his friends win the war, it will not even matter. This imprisonment is nothing, it is not a life sentence. I will be saved. We all will.

I stare defiantly back at her, knowing that her torture can never touch my spirit. Death or freedom will embrace me before I submit to her will. My body will ache in pains beyond comprehension, but my heart is free, my soul intact.

Her judgment day has yet to come.

appa, kyoshi warriors, avatar, the avatar, avatar:100days100drabbles, aang, mai, azula, 100days100drabbles:day081, ty lee, suki

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