Genre: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Title: 100 Days, 100 Drabbles
Chapter Title: Compromise (028/100)
catalyst283Word count: 318 (quite long compared to my usual XD)
Rating: G
Warnings: sweetness, humor, hinted at ideas
Notes: This was written as a certain pairing, but I left it as open as I could for you to decide the characters. =) And the idea itself is so sweet and beautiful that you could take out some of the ideas of nations here and there and make it whoever you want it be. ^^
The fabric of the dress caught on her nails as she fingered it impatiently, the gold material glinting in the light. Her eyes flickered down to it, eyes brushing over the intricate details of the cloth. It was, as they say, ‘fit for a queen’. And it was about the worst thing she had ever worn. She was, of course, careful to keep the disgust out of her voice, it being part of the compromise they had come to. More like torture, she thought with a grimace. She was just about to glance around for someone (to ask what the hell she’d gotten herself into) when the music started, her cue to start the walk that signified the beginning of her new life.
It was time.
And when the doors opened, it was like all the doubts and uncertainties had never been there, the instant his eyes met hers. It was not like all the fairytales she had been read to as a child, where their eyes met and her breath caught and it was a gaze of enchanting passion. Neither was it like her parents’ wedding, one she had been told was nothing about love and everything about power and uniting the wealthy Fire Nation families.
No, it was much better than all that, his bright eyes shining with happiness and a tad bit of humor and nervousness thrown in, something that made her smirk and laugh joyfully inside. He was not perfect and neither was she, but they were here to become united in something she had never thought possible, something so cliché and overwritten that it was almost a gag anymore.
They were coming together in love, and that took all the compromise in the world to make work.
But his soft eyes met hers in a gaze of undying devotion and she knew it was all worth it, even the terrible gold dress.