somebody save me!

Aug 05, 2005 18:18

i'm getting ready to go interview someone for a job here and she has the huge bug eyes, and one of them has its own agenda. Maybe she's a quality person, but i feel all anxious with the eye contact. Notice how eye contact was singular? In this case, it really is.

I know I'll be uncomfortable until I figure out which eye to look in. oh god. i feel weird. Kind of childish, too. And maybe something is illegal about me predetermining this person's hireability based on appearance. Is that wrong?

Shit, I can't just hire her because she's the boss's friend, or because I want to prove I'm not being discriminatory, but jesus christ she has BULGING chameleon eyes.


OK, the inteview is over. She's an old-school accountant, neaning she's not so friendly with computers and has experience doing the whole process manually. In fact, at her last job as an accountant she hired a part time person to do all the computer stuff because it was confusing. So now I have reason not to hire her...
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