Love is made by two people in many kinds of solitude. It can be in a crowd, but in an oblivious one.

Oct 02, 2006 03:10

Hello all you lovelies out there in live journal land. An update on the Carley-life.

Started school. Hate Hate Hate accounting and already in trouble for attendance. I still can't find anything I really want to do with my life. But I'm trying.

Huddle work has been crazy as always. This weekend was mountain heritage day AND a football game AND family weekend at the same time. So we did about a thousand dollars a night. (Where we normally do about 400) Some of it was exciting but I about had it today. NOTHING was done by first shift when we got there. I had no tea, no silverware, no condiments, dishes, and dirty bathrooms. Wes didn't even have any food! And then of course people got mad at me because I had to give them togo silverware and soda instead of tea. So very little tips. Can't blame them, but it was the cherry of cruelty on the icecream sundae of dispair that my day was. By the time I had been there an hour I was in tears.

Things got a little better later, but I still only just got home.

Wes and I have cleaned the house, it is actually looking nice now. We have almost all the furniture we could ever need! He has been amazing about keeping things up, and just wonderful in general. We are working really hard to make life work, but slowly the work is paying off. Chore wise, I think we just need to knock out the laundry. I need to help more with that too. tomorrow I am making us potroast, it should be tasty.

I have also become addicted to Yahoo! Answers, and I found this interesting little tidbit in a thing about waitstaff. It made me chuckle, so please enjoy.

"Waiters: Enjoy. Non-Waiters: PAY ATTENTION!
For all of you who DON'T wait tables!!!
If you go out to eat, or plan to EVER again... READ THIS!


easy tip: take 10% of the total price of the ticket and then double it.
$50.00 tab = $5.00 x 2 = $10.00 would be an alright tip.
advanced tipping: My time is worth more than a dollar. Even if your bill is five dollars.

The next time you're out eating at a resturant, look at your server. Do you think they are really happy to be doing that job? The answer is no, they are not, but it's what we do, and we do it for the money so please help them out. Its a tougher job than you think and you should pay them accordingly! (People say that servers do not have to be doing that job, so it is not their responsibility to tip. BUT someone has to do that job, or else they'd be complaining about having to work to hard to go out to dinner!!!)

There are SO many people out there flooding the restaurants w/o any knowledge of how to tip. Here is a short guide for the general public to follow. Feel free to print out and store in your wallet and/or purse.

**I'm adding one...READ THE DAMN MENU!! You'll probably end up a lot happier if you know what you're ordering, since you won't have to wait longer to get something else after bitching when I brought you exactly what you asked for!

If you have children, DO NOT let them, open and dump anything on the table (ie; salt, sugar, etc). IF YOU DO, you must leave an extra $5 for the server to clean up YOUR CHILD'S mess & to restock the now unusable wasted items. We are neither their babysitter nor their parent. The least you can do is pay us for the extra work. Also make sure you control your kids and don't let them scream or run around the restraunt. It's very distracting and rude to others eating, not to mention dangerous if they get ran over by a server with hot food in their hands.

If you feel the necessity to stay for longer than 15 minutes after you pay, its an extra $3 every 30 minutes. We make our money from the tables. If you are in one and we can't seat it, we don't make money. Not to mention, if you are our last table we have to wait for you to leave before we can leave.

Telling a server they are the best server they've ever had is not a tip. If we are good, let us know by leaving us more money. We cant pay our bills on compliments. Its not that we don't appreciate the praise, its just that if you say that and then leave 10% it's an insult.

Prayer cards and any other religious pamphlet is NOT a tip. It is insulting that you assume we are w/o religion and must save us. Again, like ..3, we can't pay bills w/prayer cards. We'd go to church on Sundays if it wasn't mandatory to work on Sundays because EVERYONE who goes to church follows it by eating out.

It is not 1960. Cost of living has gone up dramatically since then. 18% is the MINIMUM amount of what you should be tipping your servers. Look at the first number of your bill. ie. if your bill is $30, double the 3 & you have a $6 tip. If the second number is more than 5 however, you must add a dollar. Remember, our companies pay us minimum wage (minumum wage for servers is $6.75 in CA, $3.13 in FL, $3.09 in IA, $2.13 in TX) And we are taxed on 10 percent of your meal automatically anyway. So if your meal is $100 and you leave $10 and we tip out $4-5 to the busser, bartender, and whoever else then we pay tax on 10 dollars and we make $5. It seems small but it adds up. How many times do you eat out per week and do this?

If you get a discount because of your food was prepared wrong or something, do not take it out of our tip. We didn't cook it. The cooks get paid hourly regardless if the food sucks. However, we only make what you give us.

If you happen to get anything for free and you did not have a problem with your dining experience, most of the time it is because the server thinks you will realize that they are giving it to you for free. There should be extra tip thanking the server for the free item. They could get in a lot of trouble giving away free stuff. You should give them hazard pay for it.

If you come into the restraunt 10 mins before closing or any time near closing hurry up and order your food and get out. Closed means closed, not social hour. It is so rude to sit there and take your sweet *** time. We can't leave until you leave because we have to do sidework and clean the table you are sitting at. We don't want to stand there waiting for you for an extra hour just because you don't want to go home. We recommend 24 hour establishments such as Dennys if you wish to sit into the wee hours of the night.

If you only come in for coffee or a dessert, to do paper work, or to have a meeting, don't sit there taking up our booths for hours. We are not Starbucks or a hotel restraunt. If you want to sit for hours, go there or else you better leave a good tip for us and camping fee included.

When we come up to the table to greet you and we ask how you are doing, please let us know. We honestly want to know how you are doing. And ask us how we are doing as well. It's called manners. If you are in a bad mood we want to know that from the beginning. A confused stare or complete silence does not suffice as a reply to "How are you doing?". Also most of us are REQUIRED to say certain things during the greeting, so please don't interrupt our greeting and say "I want coffee", "Can we get some bread?", or "What are the soups?" Just sit tight for a goddamn minute & let us talk. You're not helping us out & saving us time by stopping our greet, you are pissing us off.

Don't ever talk on your cell phone in a restraunt. This is probably the rudest thing to do. If you must be on your cell, at least keep your voice down in respect for other customers and DON'T TALK ON THE SPEAKER PHONE! The whole world does not need to know your business. If you are on your cell phone when we walk up to greet your table we will walk away and not return until you get off your phone. Just show some respect and give us your attention for a couple of minutes.


When you're taken to a table, sit there. There's a reason you were taken to that table and it's b/c that server is next on the rotation. "can we have a booth?" "Can we sit by the window?" No! The reason you weren't sat by the window or in a booth is most likely because the server by the window or the server with the booths just got sat and you will receive better service if you stay put.


If you wave at me or try to talk to me while I am talking to another table or have a huge tray in my hand, I will ignore you. We have other people besides you to take care of and unless we are standing still, hanging out by a computer, we are doing something. It is rude to think we will stop what we are doing for one table to come help you. Let me put this heavy *** tray down in the middle of the dining room to find out you want more sauce. Do not grab me, or wave, or shake your glass, or call me mam or waiter or any other petname you want to call me b/c you were on your cell, or talking, or interrupted my initial greet where I told you my gaddamn name!

Always remember to tip the take-out order servers! They work just as hard as a server, and hardly ever get tips for it! WE DESERVE TO BE TIPPED TOO!"

Just thought it was entertaining. Next court date is October 16th.
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