Carley and the terrible horrible no good very bad day

May 23, 2006 21:11

For those of you who know about the school bus that I DIDN'T PASS, they convicted me anyway. Despite the fact that the bus driver did not know what day it occured on *thats right, they changed the day again* at what time, what the car looked like *she said it was a two door* and the only discription she gave the officer was that it was a girl with brown hair. Hmmmm.

Anyway, I've got a suspended sentace of 15 days in jail and 3 years without a lisence. This means this is what will happen if I ever get another ticket again. For now, just the points on my lisence...which pretty much will mean no driving for five years anyway.

BUT we are appealing it. Because really, HOW did they convict me of this. I DID NOT PASS A SCHOOL BUS. And I have no business being in jail anyway.

And the bus driver told me I was a very bad girl. My feelings are hurt.

In other news, work and living arrangements are still going swimmingly. Mom and Dad came up over the weekend and seem to like Wes pretty well. We (Wes and I, that is,) went to see The Divinci Code yesterday night, after I had calmed down a bit. It was an okay movie but would have been better if:
1) The hadn't felt the need to put in a 'disclaimer line' like "What matters is what you believe" And "That's just a theory" every five seconds
2) They had focused more on Davinci's paintings
3) There wasn't so much hype about the story now. Good Heavens.
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