Jul 26, 2004 13:37
So the next 8 days have officially begun! I am now the caregiver of two little munchkins. Scary??? Maybe just a tad! :) I took Dee and Jeremy to the airport today and they're on the plane as I type to Hawaii. Now I'm taking care of Katelyn and Mia till next Tues night. Luckily, Mia didn't have a big melt down after we dropped Mommy and Daddy off cause she didnt' quite understand that they were LEAVING for vacation and she wasn't coming with them. This is the first time they've left the girls at home and went on a vacation together. So now I'm the one taking them to swim class and all that jazz. :) It should be fun. At least we're heading up to mom and dad's on Weds. after lunch and spending a few days there so that will give me a couple days to sleep in. Then Mom will bring them back home on Saturday and I'll come down Sunday since Andrea's wedding is Saturday afternoon. Mia just came and asked me to put a different cd on. She had one in her hands and it was Barney. I HATE Barney! So is it terrible of me that I put it in the cd player and pretended that I played that one??? Instead I played the Playhouse Disney cd that was also in the cd player. Luckily she hasn't noticed that it's not the same one! uh oh! I spoke too soon! Better go! Mia is having a melt down and crying for mommy. Hopefully I can settle her down and try and get to take a nap for a bit. Wish me luck!!