On A Cold, Clear, Winter Day

Jan 06, 2009 23:01

Title: On A Cold, Clear, Winter Day
Author: catalinacat
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Prompt: from redismycolour . An excerpt from The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Summary: In fact, he had given himself a pat on the back more than once, metaphorically speaking of course, for his ability to keep a grip on things that would send most people to the loony ( Read more... )

fanfic, torchwood, "life's a circus" verse, redismycolour

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Comments 19

luvinthe88and20 January 7 2009, 04:28:33 UTC
Well, trying to keep Tosh from castrating him with her bare hands, more likely.

I love this and she would do it.

Jack is trying and Ianto is giving him the cold shoulder. GO Ianto.


catalinacat January 8 2009, 00:55:44 UTC
Hahah, I can definitely see her doing it.
Thank you for reading!


gracie_musica January 7 2009, 04:30:54 UTC
Oh, you break my heart, but you do it so beautifully I can't find it in my heart to be all that mad.

Sometimes they all just need a good smack with the Common Sense Stick, don't they?


catalinacat January 8 2009, 00:56:36 UTC
Thank you!!
And don't worry, the Common Sense Stick will make an appearance soon - I like to call her Tosh ;)


bardlover6 January 7 2009, 05:16:28 UTC
Great. Love the icon, btw. Why does the Doctor complain about ginger? Wasn't Colin Baker considered ginger?


tayla36 January 7 2009, 14:43:48 UTC
Colin Baker was blonde wasn't he?
I think Tennant is the closest to ginger that they've come. He's brown, but it's a sort of reddish brown.
Donna is ginger.


bardlover6 January 7 2009, 20:56:52 UTC
Haven't yet gotten around to the classic Who, but Scottish falsetto sock puppet theatre had a all 10 Doctors song and called him "the fat one with curly red hair."
Yes, Donna is ginger, I know. I guess I need to look more closely to see if Baker is a redhead.


catalinacat January 8 2009, 00:57:42 UTC
Unfortunately, I've yet to experience Classic Who, so I can't really say :(
The icon still makes me giggle every time, though ;D

And thank you for reading!


lone_star_woman January 7 2009, 06:34:24 UTC
First of all, I've loved all of your redismycolour entries thus far, even though they do break my heart.

Well, okay, as well adjusted as a person who goes head-to-head with aliens, has flings with men who are possibly not from this world and probably not from this time, gives pterodactyls pet names, and has to work with Owen Harper can possibly be.

That last part about Owen is so funny and so Ianto.


catalinacat January 8 2009, 00:58:50 UTC
Oh, thank you :)

Hahaha, I really tried to channel Ianto when he's in his one-liners-of-epic-hilarity moods, so thank you for that!


hab318princess January 7 2009, 07:39:20 UTC
Loved this, liked the reluctance of Jack to let go... really sweet and yet there is the bite of Owen (Sardines - really?) looking forward to more


catalinacat January 8 2009, 00:59:59 UTC
Hahaha, I really have NO IDEA where sardines, habanero sauce, or Paul O'Grady came from. I need to get my head checked out, I swear :)
Thank you for reading!


hab318princess January 8 2009, 07:36:55 UTC
Ah, Paul O'Grady - that might just explain Ianto's reaction to him in Stolen Earth (DW S4, Ep 12...) which I always felt was OOC but they shoehorned in...


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