Feb 11, 2008 13:05
Just because I'm loving and don't talk about certain things doesn't mean that you can just run over me. I need love just like the next person does. Even if it seems like I don't, I really do need you there with me or I will never grow. I feel unloved when you treat me like I don't matter. So I'm leaving and this is a choice that will change all of our lives. I'm not dying or anything like that I'm just moving on at this point and time of my life. I'm stuck between childhood and being an adult. When I need you the most you’re gone and that really hurts me. It doesn't matter if it's to protect me or to make a better life for me your not there and I have no one to talk to. When will you notice me? You asked me once why I left home I didn't understand it then because we were in my room at our house but now I do. If you were to ask me that again I would say that I never left I've been here at home always have been. I've been here making myself into a better person. A person I will respect and not because of what I have or what I am but because of who I've become as a person. I've become someone who loves everyone but not before loving their self. I know that you don't understand my teenage ways but it's not that hard. You always say you were a teenager once and that you know what I've been doing, but really you don't know anything about me and never will. I say this only because you've never taken the time to get to know me. Either you were never home (leaving me to worry), you were always home (angry about something), or you were mad at the world (ignoring me). What is it that makes you not love me? Why say I'm your child? Did I hurt you that bad? What did I do? These are the questions that I always ask myself. See, as I sit here I realize that it doesn't matter if you love me, It only matters if I love myself. So, Who am I? Well, I'm that person that you think about when they don't come in the house on time. I'm the person you sang to when they were sick. I'm the one who saw you cry when no one else did. I'm the only person who knows what your heart feels like on the inside. I'm the one who loves you no matter what you say or do to hurt me. I'm your best friend. I'm your child, your flesh and blood. I'm the only one who will ever truly care about you. I'm just you, but a younger version. No, I won't make your same mistakes. Yes, I will leave behind a legacy worth knowing. Do you love me now? Do you know who I am? If you don't, you never wanted to. I'm every kid in the world who feels misunderstood. So love me for who I am because you can, not because you have to. Because I do.
This is a paper I wrote while I was sitting in class one day not paying attention. I hope it can reach someone out there. If not then I know I tried to tell everyone that someone out there is feeling the same way you are. Life is the hardest thing to try to live trough. They say love is, but life is the hardest...because anything you do can affect the outcome of your life.