The "don't drop me" meme

Jan 05, 2011 14:15

Add me to the list of folks for whom LJ posting has lost out to life issues for some time. READING LJ, however, is a major sanity check which lets me know my friends are still out there leading their lives and being themselves, even if I hardly ever get to hang out with them!

These days I usually go through the thought processes I would use for posting while I am driving, so it's all over but the whining by the time I get to a computer. On the other hand, I really, really hope I'm done with school, because that should make a big difference. The head space got bad enough that not only could I not post on LJ, I couldn't write my term project, either. Just couldn't make myself do it. Finally turned in around 25% of it a week late. Grades get posted this Friday, hoping for a C-.
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