Another First

May 21, 2008 09:36

This Saturday I'm putting on my first ever club night. After years of performing at other people's nights I got invited to be involved with a new project and I've had much more fun planning it than I anticipated. It's at Barfly, a club managed by a good friend of mine and it's a rockabilly burlesque night. The music is a mix of old and new rockabilly, psychobilly, and 50's style ballad and the club night after is a mixed bag. I'm quite nervous on how the final outcome will go - we'll need at least 100 (paying) people to break even - god knows I don't mind not making any money off it, but cab fare home would be nice. I just hope it's a good night for everyone, we've got one of my favourite burlesque performers - Missy Malone as the headliner and my esteemed co-performers Daiquiri Dusk and Lucille Burn with me. And I'm working with Sakura Tsui for the first time - I'm looking forward to seeing what she can do with a hula hoop.
I know most of y'all are in Alabama but anyone in Scotland is more than welcome to come. It's at Barfly at 9:00 and it's called Rockaburley!

I'm also performing at a fundraiser in Edinburgh on Friday where I hope to run into Jon and Lauren on tour with Panzer AG and let loose somewhere in the city. This weekend has a hell of a lot of promise and I can't wait to see what it brings.
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