Title: Our Little Princess
catachresticalKeywords: Bandfic; hints of JaeHo and YooSu; some original characters.
Rating: PG13 for few language mishaps.
Disclaimer: The boys found themselves having to take care of two orphan kids.
Notes: The boys found themselves having to take care of two orphan kids.
First version beta'd by
janeberryblue ; current version re-beta'd
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anyway, pandaxmin=OTP. except min is a little too...fluffy. scarymin.
*bounces* we're almost at the end! :D
♥♥♥ Of course you do, dear. You're awesome.
:D I know. Isn't he so fluffy. I need to make him more creepy or something. I swear Akira's fluff all got into him.
*bounces* Yes we are! Anywhore, if I'm ever writing a sequel (and it's a very big IF), would you be interested on beta-reading it again? o:
*nodnod* min is scary and fluffy and...fluff. fluff!min. *runs away screaming* my minmuse is about to order capital punishment.
of course! (: (and it means i get to read it first, HAH)
XD Your Min > My Min. Your Min needs to meet Akira.
♥! YAY.
...my min is the way he is cos he's never really interacted with kids XD; or something. when he becomes a father...we'll see, we'll see.
*throws min at akira*
min: whut.
akira: *blows bubbles*
min: ...who belongs to this lost boy?! please reclaim him NOW.
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