So, I decided to make another video journal entry. The events in it are fairly disjointed since I filmed them sporadically in very different locations, but it still has a somewhat connected narrative. Most of the shots were filmed at either the Cal Neva Hotel/Casino in Lake Tahoe (where I was attending my brother's wedding a month ago), or at Bluesfest here in Portland. The rest of it is supplemented from either shots within my own apartment and there are a couple of shots from my family's front yard in the East Bay, CA.
Once again, shitty equipment and software leads to limitations in quality and versatility, but I tried to make due with what I had.
For those of you who are friends of mine on facebook, I recommend viewing it from my profile there since the quality is much better. Youtube really strips the quality down, and the quality is already impoverished due to my old school digital camera.
Hope you enjoy it....
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