So, I've been on LJ about a month, and haven't yet posted an entry. Right now, I doubt too many people (if any) are actually looking at my journal, but I figured I should have something.
Since SPN fanfic took over my life I started reading SPN fanfic, I've had lots of plot bunnies popping up at me for stories I'd love to read, but frankly I just haven't been able to write them. I used to write fanfic a long time ago, but my writer's block has become a rather large desert (if you'll pardon the bad and mixed metaphor) and, though I've started a few that didn't go anywhere, I just don't have it in me right now to write.
So, I figure I'll post some of these bunnies here; that way, I can come back to them if I ever get the yen to write, and also anyone happening across this journal can feel free to adopt any of the bunnies to write the stories. If you, dear reader, should be interested in adopting a bunny, please let me know so that I can read the resulting fic! :)
All of my plot bunnies are gen. Some might be familiar as I've asked the
spnstoryfinders community if there are already fics along these lines. If you know of any stories already written along these lines, let me know!
1. Boys drafted into the military - I envision a fic wherein Sam and Dean (possibly a partially?fallen Castiel?) are drafted into the military and basically kick ass all through training, maybe wind up saving their unit from something supernatural. Where this differs from other military fic is that it's both of them together, rather than one or the other, and they're there b/c they have to be, not because they chose it.
2. High school non-AU. Set somewhere in Season 4, Castiel comes to Dean for help in protecting a seal in a small-town high school. Basically, there's a girl who has been saving herself for marriage, but if the demons can seduce her into losing her virginity, the seal breaks. Castiel de-ages Dean to teenager-hood so that he can blend in with the high school crowd and Cas goes undercover as an incredibly awkward substitute teacher. As an ex-hell-inmate 30/70 year old, Dean hates being back in high school, and trying to convince a girl not to have sex is awkward as hell. Haven't decided for sure, but I'm thinking that they don't know which girl it is at first. I see relatively little Sam!role in this story, but then, who knows? I've started writing a few scenes of this but it probably won't go far.
3. AU in which Sam's decision to Stanford doesn't break up the family - he returns on weekends and holidays for short hunts, and plans to use his degree to become a resource person like Bobby or various others on the periphery of the hunting world - providing legal representation to hunters who find themselves on the wrong side of the law, etc. Not sure where the conflict comes in to create a plot around this, however. Maybe he winds up representing Dean or John?
4. Crossover with "The Guardian" or similar. Pre-series, wee!chesters. Sam (and Dean?) is/are taken by CPS while the family is working a case in Philadelphia, and Nick is appointed the children's advocate. Story focussing on Sam, Dean and Nick's interaction. Eventually this is what inspires Sam to go into law.
5. Crack!fic cross-over in which Sam goes on Jeopardy! Kind of playing with the idea that the brothers have to exorcise either Alex Trebek and/or Johnny Gilbert. Because, that would be hilarious. And Sam is smart. :)
That's it for now! Off to go read some more... :)