I finally have something interesting about my life to write about in this journal that isn't too irrevocably disturbing and/or personal to post! Woohoo!
So Dean, Jonafun, Jason, Zeda, Emma and I all headed out Thursday morning after a loooooong night of last-minute cosplay creating. The road trip was fairly uneventful, Zeda did discover that the song Mr. Brightside by The Killers is perfect for our rp characters, which is awesome because we've been trying to figure out a song for that matches their "interesting" relationship situation for ages now lol.
We got to the hotel and discovered that the room contained naught but a king-sized bed! DunDunDuuuunnnnn!! This led to some very interesting and creative situations involving things such as dressing, using the restroom, sleeping, personal space in general...etc, etc. The room was also pretty bizarre, being that it lacked a lot of things that I normally take for granted such as Wifi, a fridge and microwave, a fan in the bathroom, more etc. But I'm not really complaining, it was worth the lack of random conveniences to be in the same hotel hosting the convention.
Despite these throwbacks, AWA was still a lot of fun. I've never been to such a large convention before, and it was great to have three days off from work walking around and having fun with my friends instead of sitting in an office chair. My first day outfit, (Death the Kid from Souleater) turned out great! I was freaking out about the hair literally the night before when a mix of Zeda and Emma's suggestions brought me to a great solution. I actually bought a platinum blonde weft from the store, spraypainted it white, sharpied in the black stripes and sewed it into the wig. It took a while but it was so worth it, I actually had two people at the con tell me it was the best Death the Kid wig that they had ever seen! Sweeeet.
I checked out the dealer's room, there were soooo many shops O_O I ended up spending well over $100.00 :_: Dean and I went to a Soul Eater photo shoot, and ran into one of our old friends from highschool. It was a greta time to run into someone from school because we were both looking friggin' awesome and having tons of pics taken of us! If only things could ALWAYS go that well in life, le sigh. I also can't quite remember what day it was, but at some point Zeda and I saw a display of the best Anime Deaths and it was spectacular O_O
The second day involved a looot of boozing. So much boozing. I got pics of several Ocelots from Metal Gear Solid 3 and Roxxo the Clown from Metalocalypse enjoying their alcoholic beverages of choice, and I enjoying hanging out with Sarah as Astro Boy and Emma as Solid Snake. After the initial boozing, I went upstairs to change into my Naked Snake cosplay, With some assistance from Emma and Sarah, the face paint turned out awesome! My mom didn't even recognize me in the pics, she thought I was some strange, little man O_O. I got into the elevator at one point and everyone in it went "Snake?! Snaaaake?! SNAAAAKKKE!!". Good times. A group of us ragtag misfits visited the artist's alley and checked out the plethora of awesome available for puchase, during which I was both assaulted by the personification of tentacle rape and stalked by a fellow Snake!
At some point I headed back to the bar, during which all of the Snakes enjoyed beverages and each others' company! Yay for family times!
Liguid Snake, Naked Snake, and Solid Snake!
Later that night, Dean and I changed into bizarre casual versions of our Doctor Stein and Death the Kid cosplays and ran off to visit the yaoi panel. It was pretty sucky, so we went to check out the rave. The line was still horrible but there was a tiny rave with no line going on next to it. We went in for a sec and I was disappointed to find no UV lights for my contacts to glow under :( Dean, Jonafun and I went to the hentai room afterwords, which was pretty entertaining. At this point my stomach was doing horrible, crampy things and I realized all that I'd had to ingest in about 12 hours was booze and a crabcake. Dean and I dragged ourselves back to the room, pausing for Jonafun to take some really odd pictures of us in the empty stairwell. I don't think either of us knew what we were doing at that point, with the con elements battling against us and all.
One of the kooler, not-so-perturbing ones. Eheheheh.
Dean headed out to Steak and Shake with Linzy, Brett, Teia and Chris. I crawled into my floorbed and choked down a nutrigrain bar in an attempt to not vomit. Ohhh cons.
The last day was short but kool, I got Rikki Simmon's autograph and did my reliable ol' Luffy cosplay. I also went back to the dealer's room and got a good deal on some sweet hentai artwork! I also got an intimidating hug from one of the most awesome Crocodiles from One Piece that I've ever seen! Later we went to the delectable Cheesecake Factory and nearly killed ourselves consuming large quantities of pure deliciousness.
The last day we went to the awesome mall there, where I purchased an equally awesome jacket. Good times! Good, tiring times. It took me an entire week to sleep this thing off, but it was worth it XD I'll definitely go next year.