Jan 13, 2012 03:28
My first thought upon seeing the frightened child fleeing, dragging along a too-big backpack: MINI JOHN WATSON!!
"what's amatter dear, are you lost?" no but your little dog is scary and my scream is unconvincing.
cutaway to some young man standing alone in the woods looking half asleep and confused. uh. whut?
bloody sherlock...watson's face O.O then, no questions about the blood, just "you went on the tube like that?"
continuing disdain for that hat. hehe
"I need some. Get me some" I need some what? Lovins....? I'll get you some lovins...
oh poor mrs. hudson. there he goes off, his engine brain out of control *snerk*
he's cute when he's fidgety tho.
"when then the RUUUULES. are wrong!" hahaha ha.
did Sherlcok get a haircut??
"of course I'm a showoff its what we do" lol not its what you do, Watson just moderates it a bit for you
gotta love how intense his eyes get when he's recited all the things he's noticed
cute how he's gotten better at actually interacting with people...the slight acknowledgment of the nervous man's stunned compliment, the quick smile to try and set the guy at ease after he's dropped yet another bomb of things he's observed,
quick jab at Watson's romantic life or lack thereof . can we say jealousy?
amazing fake sad face, Sherlock.
why would you put a person who suffers from a form of ADD that is so intense that he never misses anything behind the wheel of something large...something, anything! that moves. that seems unsafe, no?
epic shot of Sherlock on the rock with his coat flapping in the wind <3
"We-we're not--" and then he just. gives. up. <3<3<3<3<3!
O.o O.O ^_^ the inkeeper and cook guy are a couple!!!!! eeee!
smirk shared between them, about how Watson is all serious and shit
their guide. polite, suspicious, keeps giving the both of them odd glances. more than just "I'm nervous you're testing me glances"...
ahaha and they escape because of another fan of Watson's website.
"thought you'd be wearing the hat" -it's not my hat- "hardly recognized you without it" -its not my hat-
"oh please can we not do this again this time" -do what- "you being all mysterious with your cheekbones and your turning your coat collar up so you look cool" -i don't do that- "yea you do" but Watson's all. Hesitant to even point out that he's even noticed Sherlock's cheekbones because of course he has, of course he's thought about running his fingertips over them and planting kisses where his fingers were...and Sherlock all surprised that Watson even noticed
again with the trying to reassure the nervous guy with a quick, polite smile...is he actually starting to care about people other than his chosen family?
yes Watson. Go investigate the strange noise that Sherlock chose not to notice. Because that's a good idea
suddenly, Sherlock realizes something: Watson's in danger! Now he's mad because he was worried and missed important clues because of that fact, awww
Sherlock is scared, really? "interesting yes, emotions? Grit on the lens, the fly in the ointment" and then lashing out at poor John, Who takes it in stride rather well, actually. Good John, have a donut.
lol and Sherlock convinces Watson to interview the chick because she's cute. Tricky, tricky
nervous man has some seriously bright outside lights...don't go outside! and stay away from the window! by the way why the hell would you have such big glass doors if you're afraid that some big animal is out to get you? he's rich he could have it any way he wanted!
damnit old man, you're screwing things up! oh well Watson shouldn't have a girlfriend anyway, he has Sherlock
they really like that epic shot of Sherlock on the rock over the moore, this epi, don't they?
ahahaha! Sherlock's manic good morning lets pretend like I know how to make coffee in your kitchen
"I don't have friends. i've just gone one." <3
"what's this" -coffee, I made coffee. "you never make coffee" -don't you want it?- "you don't have to keep apologizing...--" then just accept it, John! and then he does! even though Sherlock put sugar in it and he doesn't take sugar in his coffee...
"it appeals to his...." -aspergers?- lol
John, you're not careful enough...
"no it's not ok!!!" and he's so upset he spits. erk?
"get out i need to go to my mind palace" seems awfully gimmicky for something coming out of Sherlock's mouth. Lol I bet he's had it since he was like, 6 when the teachers found out that they could get him to SHUT UP for quite some time if they convinced him to go to his "mind palace"
hehe gotta love the little spazes he goes through while he's trying to fit the pieces together. But I'm sad we didn't get to see his palace :/
aww poor therapist. in a bit over her head, isn't she? she probably isn't going to be a therapist anymore, i bet
nervous man is acting like he's all drugged up...and is going to kill himself to end the torture...poor kid
but Sherlock is going to save him! Because...well no matter what he says he does care about people and what happens to them, particuarly if what's happening to them is undeserved...and interesting...
well, thats justice, i guess.
"they couldn't bring themselves to do it" -i see- "no you don't" -no, I don't..sentiment?- "sentiment"
just for funzies