Apr 01, 2004 11:38
After dealing with the joke that Howard Stern played on his listeners this morning I realized just how insane this country is getting obsessed with indecency. The right of free speech is something that "Americans" fought very hard to get and now we are having to fight to keep it, from the very people that gave it to us. It seems to be all about the kids, it has a simple solution if you do not want your kids to hear or see things that are deemed indecent then DO LET THEM!!! It is almost as if we are taking a step backwards instead of going ahead. The only reason that people are having such a problem with all this is because they lack the ability to open up and just be human. a FART is just a bodily function FUCK is just a WORD for sex. PORN just shows people how to have sex in ways to make their relationships interesting or help out those that are alone and horny. I have never really been one to pay very much attention to politics but recently I have started to open my eyes. Now that I am registered to vote I am going to attempt to get Bush out office. Granted the only way to really do that is to vote for Kerry so that the votes don't split and Bush still wins.