Vent. (or I hate you, and I hate your ass face!)

Oct 16, 2005 19:18

I hate physics. Hate it with an intense passion bordering on the insane. Why am I so anti-science all of a sudden? It's near impossible to get myself to study. If you said, "Okay Jill, you can study physics or stare at this wall here," I would choose the wall. Really, it's not so much physics I don't like, but mechanics, which is what we learn this term. I just. Don't. Care. Who cares about centripetal force? NOT ME! It's not like it's too hard for me. (A class to hard for moi? ::shocked::) It's the fact that I find it so boring. I don't care! (But I think I've covered that.) Ugh, I can't wait 'till physics is over. In June. ::whimper:: If I were attending some sort of progressive school, there would be a very unhappy face next to the phrase "Physics makes Jill feel".

SaltyJill: I hate physics.
FevrierBadeau: You know, you might not want to say that so strongly, Physics has pheelings too
SaltyJill: I hate physics so much I didn't find that funny.

I am tired of school right now. I don't want to take four more years of it. I want wake up tomorrow and magically be a pharmacist. I realize that if I expect someone to attach a "Dr." to the front of my name, I should be doing a lot of hard work. But at the moment, I don't want to do it. I just want to be thinking of something else for a change.

My books were too expensive this term. And my federal loan did not cover their cost. I hate getting paid once a week. It's too hard to budget. Stupid Monmouth and being sucky and making me wrack up credit card debit. Why was I so stupid? I am not that person. I want to start over. I don't want the stress that comes with this. ::cry::

One of my parents vacuumed my room while I was gone today. This means the deliberate piles of stuff I had on the floor are now all mixed up. Okay, it was a nice gesture, but dammit, dammit, dammit! I can't find anything! BAH!
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