Jun 02, 2004 09:00
I am trying to fend off the depression today. I feel trapped...trapped in my own life. How can I get out of this place? How does one find their own peace? I want to feel eternity in a single moment and love for the rest of my days on this Earth. Too much to ask? Maybe...
OK, enough about that. I am stuck at work trying to focus on my job. But I cannot. Why is it that money drives our lives anyway. If I only had a large sum of cash, I could do as I please with my time. Instead of wasting all my energies for some other person and company. Like I care about the corporate world. I truly believe I was born in the wrong century. I should have lived in a simpler time...the days of Camelot would have been perfect for me.
Anyway...back to my reality....I need to get more screen caps done of ROTK, so I can create a few more blends. I need to finish a couple of designs for a friend, so she can make bumper stickers to sell. Maybe that will lead to a paying job one day. I also need to help my husband with the new business sometime. I always end up messing around online instead of taking care of business..lol I am so bad really.
Oh well...I am who I am.