As of January 2016 - please find me on social media as I will not likely be around on LJ - lack of activity here and lack of time overall. I am sort of back as of Jan 2017.
I typically have used this journal to share private thoughts and ramblings with my closest mates who still use Live Journal. I may continue to use this journal for my personal trials and tribulations only upon the rare occation that I feel like posting something here.
I like coffee, chocolate, tea and cupcakes.
If you are interested in my work as a graphic designer, you can find my creations in several places:
My main website:
Avalon Graphics (with a blog
My professional Twitter account:
Avalon_GraphicsMy Facebook Fan Page for Avalon Graphics:
AvalonGraphics If you are interested in my occasional fan graphics, you may find them in these public social sites:
My tumblr account:
cathelms and by searching for the hashtag
#cathelmsMy Pinterest boards:
cathelmsMy Ao3 account:
cathelmsMy personal website:
Cathy's PageMy personal Twitter: