Jun 28, 2005 17:51
i.......am so.........fuckin........depressed
here in canada
when this morning at 4 a.m
i was in my heaven
being ripped away and thrown out with my suitcases in hand
my 2 weeks were up...
but i didn't cry
not when i packed
not when i huged everybody
not when i was in the van watching french woods dissapear behind me
i didn't cry untill i got on the plane
by then it was to late
i have to wait another god damn year
untill i can go back
and finish what i started
will anybody be generous enough to create a myspace for me?
my brain malfunctions when it comes to stuff like that....
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
i'm not home sick
i wanna go back to newyork, back to camp
it didn't feel like camp...
it felt like home
so technicaly i am home sick
but i miss you all back in miami...
but i have another family back in camp....
"singin now because my tearducts are to tired
you know my mind is disconnected...but my heart is wired"
-ani defranco
i'm not going to see jhon for another 2 weeks
nothing to say to one another
but i'm lucky he lives in miami
we'd lay on the table as they fought over it
tipping over
nothing romantic about it
it's just ths weird vibe
hold me
where the fuck am i....
2 seconds ago i was happy
but now i'm here...in canada....
with my grandparents....
maybe on of my longest entires....
to much inside....
the duck tape won't hold
my hand-made bag is falling apart
but i'm learning how to knit hats and scarfs
in the middle of fucking summer
i don't want to go home
i don't want to be here
i want to go back
ever little thing causes a flash back
meeting everbody
but i was an idiot and didn't get anyone's information
i took a break from theater this summer
but i'm interning at the playhouse once i get back.
get back
i think i may be having a small case of mental depression....
i close my eyes and i want to be there so badly that everytime i blink i am
and now i can't stop crying.....
i just wanna go home
untill i'm ready to leave
because i wasn't