Jul 13, 2006 18:30
With the unfolding of recent events I have realized that people don't understand what a break up is! They seem to think when one party breaks up with the other that you still stay in contact that you still check up to see how the other is doing, that you hope aimlessly that they'll come back. Come to their senses, that they'll realize that they made an awful mistake and come crawling back! Yes I know there are some circumstances when that does happen, but for the majority of everyone else that doesn't happen and will not happen! You have been dumped for lack of a better way to say it! When you break up with someone you completely break up with them, that means NO CONTACT!!! None of this let me check in to see how their doing or let me remind him that he's making a huge mistake! I know right now I probably sound like I have never experienced a break up, especially with someone that I really truly loved! Well I have and it was one of the worst experiences I have ever experienced, however I recommend that everyone gets their heart broken at least once. I have learned a lot with both break ups that left me absolutely crushed! I have also learned a lot from my friends break-ups! If you don't understand that you have been dumped you're going to hang on to that relationship until you are basically slapped in the face with reality, say he gets engaged, or he flat out tells you there will never be a future, or he has to block you from everything! Just because he calls every once an awhile doesn't mean that he wants to get back together with you, just because he says that he still cares doesn't mean he wants to get back together with, its pretty cut and dry! He's either with you or he's not!!! What I really don't understand is when people hang on after the other cheated? Why call and talk to someone who betrayed you like that? Why keep yourself in misery? Please if anyone can answer any of these questions please do!!! I'm so utterly confused right now! This whole break-up entry has surfaced because I recently got involved with a guy that I thought was a pretty good guy, however he had baggage....an ex-girlfriend that he still head over heels for. We were heading towards the relationship stage, then he ran into her (the ex), now he claims that he really likes me and that he really enjoys my personality but now that he's seen her he doesn't think that we should get in a relationship! What the hell! MOVE ON!!!!! As for a few of my girlfriends as well MOVE ON!!!!!!!